Friday, February 26, 2010

Jon shovels snow, Kate still missing

Jon and the kids were spotted outside this afternoon clearing snow after all the storms.

We've noticed that Kate has been completely MIA for a week (last seen shopping at Old Navy last Friday). We've also noticed that Jon has been with the kids almost an entire week now. Has Jon agreed to be there for the kids while Kate does all the crap required for Dancing With the Stars? Good.

18 sediments (sic) from readers:

Anonymous said... 1

Can they please quit photographing these kids?

I know they have a job to do but it bugs the monkey munch out of me. ~ Administrator said... 2

I wonder if they are really regretting this huge property now. This is their second winter there, but probably the first really bad winter. They have to drive a freaking tractor to shovel all the darn snow. Not only is a mansion and its sprawling acreage super expensive, it's also super time consuming and HARD WORK.

Anonymous said... 3

Yes, how can Kate handle that yard and driveway with Jon gone all the time?

Anonymous said... 4

I find it quite curious that ROL doesn't post pictures of the them playing in the snow. I've watched the site waiting to see how they spin this and they are ignoring it.

nanb ~ Administrator said... 5

Radaronline can't post these pictures or they would have to admit that Jon has been there all week and Kate has disappeared to go pursue her dream of stardom in Hollywood. As we all know, Dancing with the Stars is a good gateway to an Oscar nomination.

Anonymous said... 6

Kate is gone one week and you folks start your 'itching. So what, whatever she does it is to pay bills. Go back to the GWPO site and do your hating there.

Anonymous said... 7

You meant GWOP! I agree.

Anonymous said... 8

Jon was gone over a month pursuing his stardom, to no avail, at Sundance by collecting freebies, crashing parties, trying to obtain movie roles. Jon also spent his month away from the children with his new "cat" of the month, Morgan! Remember, he stayed at Morgan's family abode while in Park City and then they flew to Hawaii for a romantic getaway!

Anonymous said... 9

Whatever she does it to pay bills. LOL That doesn't make any sense at all.

Every thing she does is for her own narcissistic interests.

You mean to tell me that she stopped all ties with her own parents to pay bills?

She left Jon on Oct 2008, to pay bills?

She smacked Collin in the face at the bus stop to pay bills?

She slapped Alexis in the behind to pay bills?


Kate has been gone for over a week. And she probably hasn't even been around the kids for several weeks.

Remember, she has 2 full time nannies and a sitter.

Kate would rather be at a bar with her hair dresser then be at the home melting marshmallows at the fireplace during a snow storm..

Jon was away from the kids for months? And? Whats your point? We already grilled Jon for that. BESIDES, Kate stated that she doesn't want Jon near her kids when it isn't his custody day.

HI 50 said... 10

Oooooo, finally hearing something from the dark side. Kate lovers are all over ANYONE who challenges Kate's actions/snarkisms/fame seeking behaviors. BUT their ALL OVER Jon when he does the SAME behaviors as Kate.

Anonymous,11:53PM, go ahead and defend Kate because she has been gone for a week. That's your perogative BUT all Kate lovers are extreme Jon haters! Its too bad you see challenge as '..itching.' In case you haven't noticed, this site CHALLENGES BOTH Jon & Kate for their assinine behaviors.

It a good thing that Kate is FINALLY working, independently without forcing the kids to be little actors on their reality show. Oh, I'm sorry, Kate & TLC renamed their show a "documentary." She is a contract breaker, liar, & fraud.

I'll give her this much. IF she proves herself to have a glimmer of talent with DWTS, behaves with grace, is able to take criticism, & STOPs acting like a diva without talent, I might start writing postive reviews about her. IF....

BTW, anonymouse 12:38 AM made an excellent point. Kate would rather be AT A BAR with her hair dresser than at home with her kids. Didn't Kate, state too many times to remember, she can't miss any time away from the kids that didn't entail work?!? SOOOOO, she was WORKING AT THE BAR with her hairdresser? Hummmmm

HI 50 said... 11

BTW Admin, I'm having a blast on your blog!! The natural disasters around the world has been a bit scary....BUT nothing else can be as scary as a narcissitic mom who planned, connived, initiated & birthed 2 sets of multiples in her obsessive need for attention, fame & her worship of $$$. She reminds me of Mommy Dearest. I hope there is SOMEONE in the children's life who will be their champion when Kate goes off the deep abyssy of her insatiable quest of "Me, Myself & I! How I Sacrificed My Children for Glory!" ~ Administrator said... 12

"Jon was gone over a month pursuing his stardom, to no avail, at Sundance by collecting freebies, crashing parties, trying to obtain movie roles. Jon also spent his month away from the children with his new "cat" of the month, Morgan! Remember, he stayed at Morgan's family abode while in Park City and then they flew to Hawaii for a romantic getaway!"

Go back a few weeks and read the posts about when Jon was gone, this blog came down incredibly hard on him. Still, we have no proof Jon wasn't with the kids on the many days that no one saw him, Kate OR the kids. By the way, there haven't been any pics from this weekend, does that mean Jon isn't with them right now? We know Kate is in L.A.

What's good for the goose is good for the Gosselin, now that Kate is gone it's her turn for us to criticize her.

Anonymous said... 13

We see Jon doing "outside" maintenance, dosn't mean the nannies have been dismissed! Sorry he does not fool me.

IATK said... 14

Maybe I should read back further, but who said the nannies WEREN'T there? How do you think Jon is trying to fool you? I guess I'm missing something in your post. Except that it's obvious you don't like Jon.

HI 50 said... 15

BTW Admin, I'm having a blast on your blog!! The natural disasters around the world has been a bit scary....BUT nothing else can be as scary as a narcissitic mom who planned, connived, initiated & birthed 2 sets of multiples in her obsessive need for attention, fame & her worship of $$$. She reminds me of Mommy Dearest. I hope there is SOMEONE in the children's life who will be their champion when Kate goes off the deep abyssy of her insatiable quest of "Me, Myself & I! How I Sacrificed My Children for Glory!"

Anonymous said... 16

You meant GWOP! I agree.

Anonymous said... 17

Jon was gone over a month pursuing his stardom, to no avail, at Sundance by collecting freebies, crashing parties, trying to obtain movie roles. Jon also spent his month away from the children with his new "cat" of the month, Morgan! Remember, he stayed at Morgan's family abode while in Park City and then they flew to Hawaii for a romantic getaway!

Anonymous said... 18

I find it quite curious that ROL doesn't post pictures of the them playing in the snow. I've watched the site waiting to see how they spin this and they are ignoring it.


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