Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jon shovels snow, takes out recycling, and plays with kids

Jon was spotted at the house today playing with the kids outside and doing some chores. Check out the cute little kid-sized shovel Joel has!
More photos:

13 sediments (sic) from readers:

Anonymous said... 1

I am glad Jon is getting to see his kids.

I guess it is wishful thinking that the paps would leave him & the kids alone. ~ Administrator said... 2

At the risk of being called a Kate hater (I just did a positive post about her so), it really irks me that Radaronline is posting that this is the first time Jon has been with the kids in several weeks, and pretty much painting him as a deadbeat dad. They don't KNOW THAT. If they want to say anything they know for sure, they can say it's the first time he's been PHOTOGRAPHED with the kids in several weeks.

Since I just found paparazzi photos of Kate out shopping by herself on SATURDAY, the day before Jon was seen with the kids, isn't it logical Jon had this weekend? Was he seen Saturday? No. But that doesn't mean he wasn't WITH THEM. Just because he doesn't troop them outside for all the cameras doesn't mean he's not there. Is there surveillence of the house 24/7 to prove he hasn't driven up there in the past several weeks? Of course not. Maybe he's actually trying to play with them in the back once in awhile free from cameras. Today's photos they were shoveling so maybe that's why they wanted to be in the driveway. Doesn't mean they weren't out back the other day. Are we supposed to believe they never play with their crooked houses because we never see it? Obviously they're out back and out of sight.

Maybe Jon wasn't with them, I don't know. But to report as a fact he wasn't is just reckless. Radaronline is so in Kate's back pocket it's shameful. Just report the truth. I try to, at least.

Anonymous said... 3

Yes, but TLC is putting everything they can into re-launching Kate. And, they have the whole family under their thumb right now so they are skewing the story in their favor.

I expect nothing less then this from Radaronline, People, Star etc.

IATK said... 4

More of the same when it comes to the tabloids. Money talks.

Irene, I've been following your posts at another site and I have to say you're a brave soldier. Did you ever see Rosemary's Baby? Where at the end of the movie the devil's disciples were milling around the room at the reception for the birth of the devil's baby. When Rosemary walked in they were ready to pounce if she dared touch or attempted to even approach her baby. Those blind followers spared no effort in protecting the devil's child. I don't know why that image keeps popping into my thoughts. lol

Anonymous said... 5

itsaboutthekids. I am an independent thinker and I feel the way I do & that is about the crux of it. I am really not losing any sleep over trolls.

IATK said... 6

Irene, yes, I agree. Those who have a mind of their own will look at the facts and look for the truth, coming to their own conclusion based on those facts. It seems pack mentality exists with some of those who try to defend Kate's actions by attacking other sites. Whatever floats their boat, it doesn't change the fact that the Gosselin children have zip, zero privacy because until Jon and Kate go away for good, we will continue to suffer through the tabloids, TLC, Zondervan etc. cramming this down our throats. And it's just the way Kate loves it, the kids be damned.

Anonymous said... 7

ROL has the pics up of school bus duty for Jon. Funny how the article shows him then slams him.
Rol is so up TLC's crawl. ( I think we hashed that one recently)

Anyway, the kids always look so much more relaxed and like they are enjoying themselves around him. You cannot fake that the way Kate fakes it. It is like she has to try to take part in their lives. Is that normaL?

IATK said... 8

I went to ROL and looked at the bus pictures. Loved how the kids are so free around Jon. I was also struck by this article on the Holyfields and their marriage counseling meeting with Dr. Phil. I couldn't help but compare Evander's and Jon's similar experience and impression of Dr. Phil. Hope it's okay I copied the article here:

Former world champion boxer Evander Holyfield has delivered a ratings blow to Dr. Phil McGraw by refusing to go on his talk show to discuss his troubled marriage, has learned exclusively.

Over the weekend, Evander and his wife Candi Holyfield were flown first class from Georgia to Los Angeles by the show’s producers and put up at the Renaissance Hotel in Hollywood.

But a private meeting between the couple and Dr. Phil at the host's Beverly Hills mansion to discuss the format of their interview quickly turned into a disaster. “The truth is Evander did not like Dr. Phil and what he was proposing," the source said.

“He felt he was totally man-bashing him. Despite all of Dr. Phil’s assurances there was a big clash of personalities and Evander simply didn’t want to do it."

The Holyfields were also allegedly put off by Dr. Phil's wife Robin who, "was floating around the house entertaining other guests inside their massive mansion" according to the source.

The Holyfields' problems began earlier this month when Candi asked for a protective order, claiming Evander hit her during an argument over the temperature in their Georgia mansion. Candi has since asked for the order to be lifted.

After the talks went south, producers from Dr. Phil bombarded Evander and his camp with calls begging him to reconsider doing the show.

“The truth is there was no big money deal on the table," the source added. "Evander and his camp were simply trying to rebuild his image after the media fallout from his fight with Candi.

“He’s not the type of guy who likes to feel bullied or intimidated and he felt that was what Dr. Phil was trying to do and that it wouldn’t help his marriage one iota."

For now, the boxing legend is headed to Las Vegas where he will do some promotional work while Candi will head back to Georgia with their children. ~ Administrator said... 9

What did ROL say? It looks pretty tame when I looked at it. I'm curious if they changed it.

Anonymous said... 10

The ROL is different then when I saw it the 1st time. I thought I saw things like we hope he spends more time with his kids. Jon has been busy traveling. Like we know for sure that he isn't spending time with the kids.

Oh well, he is the one that setttled with the devil TLC.

Administrator said... 11

What did ROL say? It looks pretty tame when I looked at it. I'm curious if they changed it.

Irene said... 12

ROL has the pics up of school bus duty for Jon. Funny how the article shows him then slams him.
Rol is so up TLC's crawl. ( I think we hashed that one recently)

Anyway, the kids always look so much more relaxed and like they are enjoying themselves around him. You cannot fake that the way Kate fakes it. It is like she has to try to take part in their lives. Is that normaL?

itsaboutthekids said... 13

Irene, yes, I agree. Those who have a mind of their own will look at the facts and look for the truth, coming to their own conclusion based on those facts. It seems pack mentality exists with some of those who try to defend Kate's actions by attacking other sites. Whatever floats their boat, it doesn't change the fact that the Gosselin children have zip, zero privacy because until Jon and Kate go away for good, we will continue to suffer through the tabloids, TLC, Zondervan etc. cramming this down our throats. And it's just the way Kate loves it, the kids be damned.