Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jon takes Hannah to the doctor

Jon was spotted out with Hannah today, running her to the doctor and then the pharmacy. Feel better, Hannah.

8 sediments (sic) from readers:

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 1

Is Sixgosselins.com not working for anyone else? I wonder if they took it down. Maybe they did awhile ago, I just didn't notice.

Lauren said... 2

Sixgosselins.com won't load on my computer either. Maybe they are restructuring the site??? Don't know.

L. Wong said... 3

I don't know why I'm reminded but today I was at the drugstore with my sick kid. I saw another "sick kid" with his dad only this kid was in his pajamas and BAREFOOT in the drug store. It's 45 degrees and raining. BAREFOOT.

I wonder if Hannah still has "migranes?"

co said... 4

I think the Sixgosselin.com site was taken down around the time of their divorce being final. At one time there was talk that Jon had done it, but I don't think anyone was ever able to tell who did it, etc.

IATK said... 5


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 6

Gaa! Why does the press say it's a "shocker" when Jon does stuff he's ALWAYS done?? Jon did maybe 90 percent of the chores, do they ever watch the show?

IATK said... 7

I guess TLC hasn't got the word around yet to all the trash sites that Jon is now a good guy. These rags are messin' with a TLC owned brand now. They better watch out or TLC will sic their hot shot lawyers (no offense, admin;) on them. I guess it takes awhile for everyone to get their new bias instructions.

Administrator said... 8

Is Sixgosselins.com not working for anyone else? I wonder if they took it down. Maybe they did awhile ago, I just didn't notice.

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