Monday, May 17, 2010

Jon takes new girlfriend for a spin

We don't post much about Jon's string of girlfriends. He's ridiculous and they're a bore. But since the kids are busy vacationing (read: WORKING) in Florida, it's been a slow news week.

Jon was spotted out on his wheels with girlfriend Ellen Ross, 23, of Harrisburg.

68 sediments (sic) from readers:

pa mom too said... 1

I wonder when he got this bike. I hate these things, and he better be careful... my son almost got killed on one of them. And I know any motorcycle can be dangerous, but these bikes are extremely fast.

Kelly said... 2

When you look up the word "Loser" in the dictionary, you'll see Jon Gosselin's face next to it. That's a real responsible thing for a father of 8 kids to have. I wonder what he had to pawn to get this new toy.

JudyK said... 3

Attractive girl...LOL

Gabby22 said... 4

I know I am in the minority....but I feel sorry for the mess Jon has gotten himself into. His first mistake was marrying Kate.

He was spent the first years of adulthood trying to please a women that will never be pleased. And if she has been b*anging her bodyguard for years, I don't criticize him for trying to find love. He is going to dating many women before he is able to find the "one". I don't think he should stay home and hide.

He tried to work but TLC put a stop to that and I don't he could ever work in IT again. He's too famous, which severely limits his choices.

Kate has an army around her at all times. I don't think it's healthy for Jon to sit alone in his apartment all day. It's not fair, and it's NOT healthy.

My 2 cents.

MickeyMcKean said... 5

Jon is already known as a fast driver, and now he is riding a motorcycle built for speed.

Jon is what the people who work at hospitals would call a "future organ donor".

I feel bad for those Gosselin kids. Jon is their only parent who shows honest affection for them and yet he takes chances with his own life without thinking what they would go through if something were to happen to him.

What a loser.


Lauren said... 6

I wonder if TLC paid for Jon's new crotch rocket?

I think it will take some time for Jon to grow up. Jon spent many repressed years with Kate so it's natural for his "young" side to come out now that he is away from her. I give him another year or two before he gets it out of his system.

Anonymous said... 7

"Attractive girl...LOL"

Which one is the girl?

Darcy said... 8

I can only assume that since Kate is obviously NOT going to let him back on "her" show, Jon is gearing up for a new reality show: Tool Academy. :)

NancyB said... 9

What kind of motorcycle is it?

Someone posted several days ago about Kate's special correspondent gig on ET for tonight but this blurb says that it is for 3 days:

Tune-in to "Entertainment Tonight" Monday, May 17th through Wednesday, May 19th as Kate Gosselin, of the upcoming "Kate + 8" on TLC, joins ET as Special Correspondent for "Dancing with the Stars."

GKWay said... 10

Apparently Kate is going to be the special correspondent for ET on tonight's DWTS show.
Kate Gosselin to be 'Dancing With The Stars' correspondent
11:31 AMYahoo! BuzzShare

Kate Gosselin has joined Entertainment Tonight as a special correspondent, starting on tonight's show. Kate might need a break from the kids, judging from last week's TLC blog post in which she admitted she was weary of playing referee.

She must be jumping up and down for joy today cause she's going to be in the spotlight again!

Anonymous said... 11

Kate's going to be on ET tonight-Wed. night.

just wondering said... 12

This should be a treat.

How to interview someone when you only know how to talk about yourself? Let's see how many times she can turn the topic back to her own miserable and complaining self...

Gabby22 said... 13

Jon owned a motorcycle before he was married. Several of my family members own them. I don't find that an excuse to demonize.

He moved back to be closer to the kids. Think about how you would feel if you had to put up with Kate for the rest of your life....

Kate only feels ALIVE when SHOPPING or on camera. The kids are just ornaments. Jon acts like he actually loves them.

houston mom said... 14

Guess this was the first payment from TLC to Jon, so his kids could go on those 'nifty vacations'.

The Names the Game said... 15

NancyB said... Tune-in to "Entertainment Tonight" Monday, May 17th through Wednesday, May 19th as Kate Gosselin, of the upcoming "Kate + 8" on TLC, joins ET as Special Correspondent for "Dancing with the Stars." May 17, 2010 9:55 AM

GKWay said..Apparently Kate is going to be the special correspondent for ET on tonight's DWTS show.
Kate Gosselin to be 'Dancing With The Stars' correspondent
11:31 AMYahoo! BuzzShare May 17, 2010 9:59 AM

Anonymous said...Kate's going to be on ET tonight-Wed. night. May 17, 2010 10:07 AM

I’m sure TLC is very appreciative of the extra promotion on this blog.

Elenasaurous said... 16

Gabby22 - if you think Jon is too famous to work in IT, do you also think Kate is too famous to get a real job too? I'm not trying to argue, I'm genuinely curious. I also think it's worth pointing out that a lot of celebrities get jobs after their 15 minutes are up. That being said, these two (especially Kate) are dragging their fame out for as long as possible.

I think Jon is an imbecile. I feel bad for him because it's not is fault for being such an idiot, but in his quest to find a suitable girlfriend he should at least try to make it low profile. And also stop dating college-aged girls.

Judy said... 17

This are Tweets from ET.

•SamanthaHarris: Back on set at Entertainment Tonight today. Feels great to be back. And Kate Gosselin is here, too. She looks great. Airs tonight on ET!
•StylistAnya: Just dressed Kate Gosselin in a fabulous pair of nude peep heels-perfect for spring! goes with any outfit and instant lengthing secret!

This is just one of the many things that upset me about how Kate treats her children.She surely just got back home again the Fl.trip, dumped her kids off and took off again for more time in front of the cameras.
She will be on ET for 3 nights.

Anonymous said... 18

What, are the duties, um....of the ....special To be honest, narrate tonight's ummm....happenings on DWTS?

NancyB said... 19

Elenasaurous said...And also stop dating college-aged girls.

I sure wish he would too but I really doubt that he will. Think about it...who else would be at all interested in this man? He has no job, his innumerable and flagrantly stupid "mistakes" are all in the public domain, he has 8 kids and his ex is Kart.

Sick of Kart and Jons Krap said... 20

I think it would be good to send an early message to TLC and NOT watch anything she is a part of. Please don't watch ET.

MickeyMcKean said... 21

Hi Kate, I want you to enjoy your 3 days on ET - I figure it will be one of the last times you will get this gig.

See as soon as the finale for DWTS is over, the sooner your 15 minutes are up.

Of course it also goes without saying that I won't be surprised if you show up on The View before Kate + 8 starts up but still, there is no doubt in my mind that your days on my TV are numbered. In fact I am pretty sure that by the end of 2010 I will say, "Kate who?".

pa mom too said... 22

Gabby22, I agree with you about Jon. I think he has to get all of this out of his system, and then hopefully he will be alright. I always cut him a break because he lived with that controlling banshee for 10 yrs . He really needs to be careful on that bike though, but I don't think he's being irresponsible by riding it...he could walk across the street and get hit by a bus. God forbid, but you know what I mean.

Just Wondering, Kate only knows how to talk about herself, and she probably can't understand why anyone would even want to talk about anything else when she is in their presence. The last time she was on The View, she sat there with her mouth shut the whole time because she couldn't figure out how to work herself into the conversation about people with addictions. It should have been easy enough since she's addicted to thinking she can be a huge star.... but I guess she didn't want to go there. LOL !

pa mom too said... 23

NancyB, if I were some young girl out there...I'd worry less about the "no job and 8 kids" and more about that ex wife of his that will be in his life until doomsday rolls around. haha! He can always get a job, and kids are kids...but what the heck can you do with something like Kate ? ewwww.... shivers....

jibberjabbers said... 24

Jon is NOT too famous to work in IT. But Jon isn't employable at the moment. After all the slander he received from the media and Kate Gosselin, who would want to hire him?

Jon would be able to work in the media, but TLC put a stop to it. KATE doesn't want to get a real job. So what makes you think Jon is going to?

These 2 idiots will never get "real jobs". Kate only wants to work in the media. And you can't blame any of them. Because its EASY money.

Gabby22 said... 25

>>>>Elenasaurous said...
Gabby22 - if you think Jon is too famous to work in IT, do you also think Kate is too famous to get a real job too? <<<<

I think it's going to be VERY hard for either one of them to get a sustantional job in any regular industry. {And, they have plenty of money left to live for the next 15-20 years.}

They are infamous. And emotionally I see them both as being unstabled. Especially with all the attention and press they get.

I imagine anyone that Jon can attract will have hidden motives...I mean, what women in her right mind would want to enter into the Kate/Jon mess they have made.

That said, I believe Kate is 100% responsible, as she made all major decisions from day one.

Jon still has to mature from all the brow beating from Kate.

IMO, Jon has a HEART. Kate does not.

I mean for crying out loud, do you remember when Jon was teaching the kids to carve pumpkins....and Kate threw her usual FIT, and stopped their fun. Just one snapshot of the hell she has put that family through.

Remember when Jon finally told Kate to take the stick out of her ass, bet, he never lived that one down.

Yet, she when on camera EVERY week berating everything from his breathing to his weight. And heaven forbidden if he picked the wrong shoes or color for the girls hair ribbons. Just how much can anyone take before going nuts?

pa mom too said... 26

MickeyMcKean, Kate should have more pride than to ever want to go on The View again, especially after the recent Whoopie tirade (lol), but we know Kate is severely lacking in the pride dept. She won't care... she'd go clomping out there in a heartbeat, like the fool that she is, acting like everyone loves her.

Schmucky said... 27

What??? Where are the motorcyle advocates?

Gabby22 said... 28

....oh one mre thing. I think Jon has gotten horrible advise and counsel. And he is not making good decisions....or decisions I would advise.

Remember, he lost his Dad, that seem to be his mentor. And Kate did her best to separate he from his family.

Mimi to 3 said... 29

I agree with you pa mom too. Just the thought of having to deal with Kate would be enough to chase off any woman. Maybe that's why all of them are gone with the wind.

I was just wondering if this motorcycle is the one that was specially built for him when the guys from that other show were on (can't remember their names)? I remember that TLC 'punished' Jon by not allowing him to keep it once he took the kids off the air, but maybe they gave it back once he gave in?? Anyone know?

Real job? Are you kidding?? Kate Gosselin? Never in our lifetimes. I wish she would go away, but I doubt it. As long as she stays in TLC good graces, and she will no doubt, then she is here to stay.

pa mom too said... 30

Gabby22 said...
....oh one mre thing. I think Jon has gotten horrible advise and counsel. And he is not making good decisions....or decisions I would advise.

Remember, he lost his Dad, that seem to be his mentor. And Kate did her best to separate he from his family.
Again, I agree with you. If Jon would have had even half of what Kate had, he would not have been in this mess. Just look at the way Radar treated Kate compared to Jon. And that's just one example. Jon has been basically flying on his own by the seat of his pants since the split, while Kate has been surrounded by TLC, Steve the boobyguard/handler, and all of her PR people. None of this was a fair "fight". Kate was continuously shown as the victim (and still is), while Jon was labeled the evil person who destroyed his once happy family.

Gabby22 said... 31

pa mom, this is the best description yet:

"controlling banshee" LOL.

But, I also think as someone on another site said...she is just not normal. I really think the women needs extension therapy. And if she has any ounce of love for her kids, she should go before she passes all her neurosis to her kids.

She said herself, she's depressed. So GO GET THERAPY!

Obviously, Jon too had something going on to be so attracted to such a dominatrix. I remember her hitting him on camera...and he would smile and laugh saying he loved it. Right. Guess it got old.

MickeyMcKean said... 32

PA Mom - whereas you and I would have too much pride to go back on The View after Whoopie called one of us the "B" word and that her rant made headlines for two days and it was shown on other shows, Kate's quest for the limelight will dismiss the whole thing as Whoopie was just being funny.

Fact it, Whoopie certainly made me laugh out loud ... each and every time I saw the clip :) :)

Elenasauraus said... 33

Gabby 22 said >>> They are infamous. And emotionally I see them both as being unstabled. Especially with all the attention and press they get.<<<

Good point. It is much harder to be employed when one in infamous rather than famous. And I forgot about the pumpkin fiasco! And that was the first season, before the fame really got to her head. That was Kate being Kate, already a monster. Hey, I know they can edit the show however they please, but they were trying to make that family look good, and she still seemed like a b*tch from day one.

French Canadian said... 34

The Gosselin eight returned back from a trip to Disney yesterday—without either of their parents! Were the Gosselins running amok in Epcot Center? Fending for themselves on Splash Mountain? Doubtful. For starters, we know Kate must have been there with them, as they returned home wearing their Gosselin team uniforms, and I just don’t see anyone else bothering to do the matchy-matchy thing. Also, Jon’s been jetting around with his new young thing, so we know he wasn’t on the trip.

So where was Kate for the trip home? Well, she has two shows in development and an upcoming return to Dancing With the Stars, so she’s got a few things to do. And I gotta say, we can debate the question of whether Kate is a good mom or not from now until kingdom come, but I’ll tell you what: If I had the chance to skip out on the trip home from Disney with my kids, I’d take it in a heartbeat. Can you imagine sitting on a plane with eight kids making their way down from a Disney high? Inconceivable. I’d rather make my way back from Orlando on a Razor scooter up Route 95 than deal with that three hour plane ride, thank you very much.

Paula Caldarella said... 35

What does Jon's girlfriend have to do with stopping the exploitation of the Gosselin children? Just asking....

mama mia said... 36

Samantha Harris went to broadcast journalism school and it really bothers her when these Kate Gosselin types show up on air like they are qualified to do so. In truth, ET is taped and there are a lot of re-takes and do-overs and editing to make it appear Kate is coherent and somewhat talented. She is not. She is brought on to bring in the ratings and the outcries of "why did they hire her?" Nobody like seeing a no talent given these opportuntiies, but if you want it to end, don't watch.

Marie said... 37

I don't understand why some of you keep making excuses for Jon, like "he'll grow up soon." "He was repressed by Kate. Excuses are like aholes, everyone has one. There's no excuse for him.

Also, do you think you could post the link for Kate to be on ET one more time??? For cripes sakes, it's like you're promoting her or something. You give her more promotion than her agent does.

TheresaB said... 38

The Kate fans have lists and lists of excuses on why she's the way she is.
- she has 8 kids
- Jon is immature
- She has 8 kids
- She has 8 kids

Guess what? Jon has 8 kids too.

pa mom too said... 39

Gabby22 said...
pa mom, this is the best description yet:

"controlling banshee" LOL.
I am sitting here laughing because I just looked up banshee in the dictionary. It is a female spirt whose wailing warns of impending death. LOL ! And we all know how Kate loves to wail, and her wailing is always the killer of all things good and fun.

GKWay said... 40

I had an interesting thought and what would have happened if TLC had decided to thrown Khate under the bus and supported Jon as the victim? If Jon was given all the attention with the media, talk shows, DWTS, etc. Jon still being a good Dad to the kids, etc. Would we all be here blogging about TLC exploiting the kids because of what Khate did in the past episodes (gumgate, leaving Colin in the laundry room, etc).

Would we be planning and discussing a protest or it wouldn't even be an issue because the push and attention would be on Jon (who is the good parent?)

Things that make you go 'hmmmmm'....

MickeyMcKean said... 41

Re "The Gosselin eight returned back from a trip to Disney yesterday—without either of their parents!"

I find this ironic since it was just yesterday that I wondered:

Will Kate have nannies until all the kids turn 18? Or will Kate figure she might be able to handle the brood all by herself (hire babysitters when the need arises of course) by the time the tups turn 8?

With her time in the limelight winding down, will Kate give up the nannies to save money or will she feel that is and always will be a necessary expense?

What about the cook? The person who does the laundry and household chores? Will there come a time when Kate will decide that the girls are old enough to take over these things so Kate can save money?

Now I can see Kate needing a gardener for a few more years but then as the boys get older they will be able to mow the vast lawn on riding lawnmowers and taking over the care of the pool.

Guess if Kate really wants to be a modern mom she can have the boys clean house and let the girls do the mowing ... or have the kids rotate the chores so they all will be fully functional adults by the time they are 18.

I can see it now: Kate is still living the life of luxury except now she is not living off the backs of her kids but is having her kids work around the place by doing all the "mom" things to earn their keep.


JudyK said... 42

Great post Mickey.

Anonymous said... 43

If you're going to pull your kids out of school during the most fun time of the year, drag them down to Florida for three or four days to WORK and possibly violate half of Florida's child labor laws too, and then take off on them to film ET, the least you can do is spend a few hours on a plane with them and take them home YOURSELF. This is outrageous.

escrow said... 44

Yeah, Kate should hookup with Ma Duggar and learn the jurisdiction schedule.

Gabby22 said... 45

Wow. Glad I found this site and Small Town Gosselins and Gosselins Without Pity.

I am in like company. This issue has been brothering me for sometime and I have no one in RL to discuss it with.

If Kate needs to be a fulltime mother and the children need to stop being exploited by TLC. You know....the "Learning" Channel. I used to love it but no more. I remember being part of the Nielsen Ratings and I wrote a separate letter saying how great Trading Spaces was.

Now TLC is all about exploiting kids.

I also think Kate needs to be pushed from her throne and be a mother to the kids she claims to love. Children are not ornaments.

I am sure Kate is being paid residuals on all the seasons. They are on netflix. She has plenty of money.

GKWay said... 46

It makes you wonder why TLC is backing such a despicable person and I feel that it is because Khate is more controversial and not because they feel that she is the better parent. It's unfortunate that the kids are the ones who ultimately pays the price. I fear that the price will continue to get higher as they get older and potentially turn to substance abuse or other forms of destructive behaviour.

You see it with other child performers who become lost as they become older and less 'marketable'. Once they get used to the spotlight, freebies, adoration from fans and then it's gone, it is a bitter pill to swallow. Especially since the 2 people who should be keeping them grounded is so 'high' on their own path to finding fame, it will not be surprising if all the Gosselin kids end up being a statistic.

I really hope that it isn't the case and maybe someone will be a parent to these wonderful kids.

MickeyMcKean said... 47

Dunwoody Mom said...
What does Jon's girlfriend have to do with stopping the exploitation of the Gosselin children? Just asking....

From my POV out here in CA, it looks like the kids worked their butts off in Florida for little pay (1/8th of 15%) and the remaining 85% - however it is divided these days between Jon and Kate - it kinda sorta looks like Jon's part of his TLC check was used to buy the fast rice rocket as a chick magnet.

So the gf sitting on the back of the bike is what it is - Jon's current flavor of the month. If whatever-her-name-is does not want to have her picture taken then it is a no brainer: she needs to stay off the bike and dump the father who had an epiphany and stopped the filming of his children - he even went on national TV - but then later changed his mind and sold out his 8 kids.

At this point I believe that anyone who hooks up with Jon and/or Kate Gosselin are child exploiters. This includes the networks and sponsors, not just whoever they may be seeing behind closed doors.


Kelly said... 48

Just a reminder,

Let her fade away. RATINGS mean MONEY

Anonymous said... 49

How did Jon Mr. I can't afford my child support afford this bike? His money saved from his IT job? Or from his TLC checks while his kids work for it in Florida?

So yes, it relates to the kids. And it's also a slow news day as Admin said. The kids are busy working in Florida news is slow.

MickeyMcKean said... 50

Re: I am sure Kate is being paid residuals on all the seasons. They are on netflix. She has plenty of money.

I could be wrong but it seems to me that the original contract that Jon and Kate signed without attorney representation did not provide for any residuals of any DVDs or other such merchandise.

They were paid by the episode only.

If I am correct, then Jon and Kate were idiots then, as they are now.

TLC owns and completely controls the Gosselin family and even though Jon and Kate are compensated, it is nothing compared to what the network has made and will make in the future on the Gosselin brand.



my9cats said... 51

My dad stopped riding his motorcycle when he was 73. Couldn't swing his leg over anymore due to arthritis.

Re Kate and ET. I am sure someone will be prompting Kate through her earpiece.

alana said... 52

Jon is an idiot.

I think it's a hoot how much LARGER his new girlfriend looks compared to him!

Gaby - Jon doesn't have to "sit home and hide." There is a myriad of things he can do besides hang out in bed and EAT. He could go back to school and begin to develop his BRAIN for a change. No harm to TLC in writing papers and studying for exams.

Sick of Kart and Jons Krap said... 53

Kelly said...
Just a reminder,

Let her fade away. RATINGS mean MONEY

Kelly, I brought that up, up thread. I don't think anyone is listening.

Kelly said... 54

I couldn't figure out if it was Jon riding the bike or being the rider. Either way, the two of them looked pitiful on that rice burner. Trust me when I say this, I ride a Harley Davidson Ultra Classic and that's riding. What Jon's riding is a murdercycle and he's not riding, by our standards.

Kelly said... 55

Sick of Kart and Jons Krap,
I just wanted to reiterate what you said, reinforce it, carve it into stone and make sure that no viewers means no Kate.

SG said... 56

I love a Harley myself. Jon's bike is more dangerous. It's a fast bike built for speed. Why couldn't he get a nice cruising bike if he HAD to get a bike... Which he obviously didn't HAVE to.

Kelly said... 57

You can ride on my Harley ANYTIME. Helmet included.

SG said... 58

I just want to say that I don't soley comment about the Gosselins in regard to "child advocacy" and the filming of the children. Yes, that is a concern of mine, but I've always commented in the Gosselins in general for over a year now. I find the whole Gosselin saga fascinating and interesting. It's like a real-life soap opera. I never imagined Jon and Kate Plus 8 would come to this. If it wasn't for the children I would think it was the best reality saga in entertainment history.

I never really thought about child exploitation until after the fact... It is a concern of nine now regarding all reality TV children... But I comment about the Gosselins in general for a different reason.

SG said... 59

Lol Kelly! Thanks.

NancyB said... 60

SchmeckyGirl @ 6:04

My sentiments, exactly.

SG said... 61

I guess in short:
Child advocacy is an aside from all the other interesting Gosselin crap that is just so discussable!

"reality show" "fake vow renewals" "college girls" "cheating contract" "media giant lawsuit" "kate major and Michael Lohan" "alleged apartment ransacking" "purse load of bills I can't pay" "horrible dancing in DWTS". You just can't make this stuff up any better than Jon, Kate and TLC did. And we shouldn't discuss it? I disagree. It's interesting and intriguing and it's more than just gossip. It's entertainment history in the making. Jon and Kaate have no one to blame but themselves. And TLC.

pa mom too said... 62

Sick of Kart and Jons Krap said...
Kelly said...
Just a reminder,

Let her fade away. RATINGS mean MONEY

Kelly, I brought that up, up thread. I don't think anyone is listening.

I'm listening. :) I was at the school tonight with my daughter while she got her yearly honor roll & perfect attendance awards, but even if I would have been home... I would NOT have watched Kate tonight. Little did I know I would see her smiling from ear to ear when I was watching DWTS. blah....

SchmeckyGirl said... 63

Lol Kelly! Thanks.

SchmeckyGirl said... 64

I just want to say that I don't soley comment about the Gosselins in regard to "child advocacy" and the filming of the children. Yes, that is a concern of mine, but I've always commented in the Gosselins in general for over a year now. I find the whole Gosselin saga fascinating and interesting. It's like a real-life soap opera. I never imagined Jon and Kate Plus 8 would come to this. If it wasn't for the children I would think it was the best reality saga in entertainment history.

I never really thought about child exploitation until after the fact... It is a concern of nine now regarding all reality TV children... But I comment about the Gosselins in general for a different reason.

Kelly said... 65

Sick of Kart and Jons Krap,
I just wanted to reiterate what you said, reinforce it, carve it into stone and make sure that no viewers means no Kate.

Gabby22 said... 66

Wow. Glad I found this site and Small Town Gosselins and Gosselins Without Pity.

I am in like company. This issue has been brothering me for sometime and I have no one in RL to discuss it with.

If Kate needs to be a fulltime mother and the children need to stop being exploited by TLC. You know....the "Learning" Channel. I used to love it but no more. I remember being part of the Nielsen Ratings and I wrote a separate letter saying how great Trading Spaces was.

Now TLC is all about exploiting kids.

I also think Kate needs to be pushed from her throne and be a mother to the kids she claims to love. Children are not ornaments.

I am sure Kate is being paid residuals on all the seasons. They are on netflix. She has plenty of money.

JudyK said... 67

Great post Mickey.

Dunwoody Mom said... 68

What does Jon's girlfriend have to do with stopping the exploitation of the Gosselin children? Just asking....

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