Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jon moving to an apartment in Reading

Lawyer says he's signed a lease. In response to Kate's attorneys wanting Jon's custody motion dismissed on technicalities, Jon's lawyer says: "Grow up!" Ha.

He also says, “Kate has tremendous sources of income and as long as she’s portrayed as this wonderful mother and this flawless golden girl then her value continues to rise.” Touche, Kate's income source are tremendous.

In addition, Radaronline continues to incorrectly report that Jon is filing to be allowed to move into the guest house on the McMansion property. No, that is not what he is asking for. The filing is very clear that Jon was simply outlining the existing agreement, which always permitted him to live in the apartment.

23 sediments (sic) from readers:

PatK said... 1

Hurray for Jon securing a rental home! If he's granted visitation there, I'll bet Kate's head will explode.

Irene S said... 2

I am happy for Jon. I know hindsight is 20/20 but I sure wish he would have had someone on his behalf fight to keep that house where most of Jon & Kate plus 8 was filmed.

I am glad for the road Atty List is taking. Put the best interest of the children 1st. said... 3

It's a step in the right direction.

AuntieAnn said... 4

Is reporting to Radaronline mandatory?

Useless trivia: The name of the CEO of the company who owns ROL is "Pecker".

MickeyMcKean said... 5
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MickeyMcKean said... 6

I don't know if keeping the old house would have been a good idea. Face it, he has lots of bad memories there and when the kids are not there and he is home alone ... no I can't blame him for selling the old house.

But if I was Jon and looking to eventually buy a home, I would look in the old neighborhood. IMHO the closer he is to Kevin and Jodi the better. Nothing like having family around who love the kids and who can also handle them together with their own kids. said... 7

Why can't they sell the McMansion and both buy moderately priced homes within a short distance of each other?

Oh, I forgot. Khate's never in one place long enough to call any place home.

Kelly said... 8

This is good news however, it better be a really big apartment. Most apartments at their largest, are 3 bedrooms. That leaves one for Jon and one for the girls and one for the boys. Pretty tight quarters. I hope it's enough for the brood.

See you guys on Monday. I'm heading for some much needed relief. Touche everyone.

Kelly said... 9

Irene S said... 10

Have a great weekend Kelly! May it be Gosselin free.

Mickey you are right about the house. I was looking at it the house fit the kids angle & would make his case to be with them better. I really hope he gets more time with the kids.

nanb said... 11

Admin it's safe to say Kate isn't in PA.

ET was filmed in LA.
She did Joy Behar from LA.
Jon got his ATV stuck today at the Mcmansion.
Also, Kate is supposed to be on Jay Leno tonight (per the flog) most likely from LA. ~ Administrator said... 12

Yup, I updated the Kate Kalendar. No kiddies this week, why not just do List's case for him?

SG said... 13

Yay. I hope Jon is settling down.

nanb said... 14

Does she really think she is teflon? If she doesn't visit the kids, she makes Jon's case.

I read all the mags at the scan site, not much i believe but Mady & Cara want to live with Dad.

As a Mom of two ten year olds, I do believe the moment the Kate plus 8 came up again, I certainly can see them wanting out. Not because they don't love Mom but because they don't want to be filmed. Mady and Cara, according to Kate have stepped up when the divorce came about. I'm sure they were happy the filming stopped and wanted to help their Mom during the transition. Now Mom only is in PA to tan and her mani-pedicures.

Paula said... 15

So, out of 15 days in April, Kate has been home 3 full days and 2 partial days. Wow, "Mom of the Year" if I ever saw one.

MK said... 16

Go Jon Go!!!!

Irene S said... 17

I know TLC is the one keeping Jon from the entertainment industry. I hope Jon knows maybe it is a blessing in disguise. Get a job in the Reading area and do your best, be there emotionally for your children, pay your fair share to support them. In the end if Jon can do that he is really the millionaire in his heart and in his children lives.
The money & fame can be so addicting but nothing would probably be sweeter than getting those children off the bus, helping them and nurturing them.

Markiesnana said... 18

I wonder just what Jon's finances are all about right now.
Hailey, his former girlfriend, is tweeting on Twitter that he owes her $200,000 and that she was duped by his appeals of the money being for his kids, etc...
Recently I heard that he is broke.
I sure wish that he wouldn't run around like a fool, because he was the better parent and it also gives Kate more credence to the untrained eye.

Markiesnana said... 19

I wonder just what Jon's finances are all about right now.
Hailey, his former girlfriend, is tweeting on Twitter that he owes her $200,000 and that she was duped by his appeals of the money being for his kids, etc...
Recently I heard that he is broke.
I sure wish that he wouldn't run around like a fool, because he was the better parent and it also gives Kate more credence to the untrained eye.

Paula said... 20

So, out of 15 days in April, Kate has been home 3 full days and 2 partial days. Wow, "Mom of the Year" if I ever saw one.

DeKonstruction Zlogger said... 21

Have a great weekend Kelly! May it be Gosselin free.

Mickey you are right about the house. I was looking at it the house fit the kids angle & would make his case to be with them better. I really hope he gets more time with the kids. said... 22

It's a step in the right direction.

DeKonstruction Zlogger said... 23

I am happy for Jon. I know hindsight is 20/20 but I sure wish he would have had someone on his behalf fight to keep that house where most of Jon & Kate plus 8 was filmed.

I am glad for the road Atty List is taking. Put the best interest of the children 1st.

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