Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kate and Tony tan in PA

Finally back in PA for a day before jetting off to L.A. again, Kate and Tony went tanning on Friday. Why is Kate jogging so far ahead of Tony?

Then on Saturday, she played with the kids and went to the nail salon again. Kate didn't even spend a full day with the kids this week. She was in New York Friday morning, went to PA later that day, and left for LA late Saturday.

88 sediments (sic) from readers:

Diane said... 1

Katie is wearing flip flops, too. I bet she had a pedi, too. Hard to say why she is jogging ahead of Tony, tho.

PatK said... 2

I'm glad the hired paps got evidence she was home for a day. If you call being home getting your tan/mani/pedi and probably practicing your tango.

It was nice of mommy to drop in, wasn't it, kids? ~ Administrator said... 3

Now this is class. When asked for a comment about Kate, Tony's former partner just says, Tony is tough I cried too! Talk about a neutral comment. She is a mom too of six count them six kids--and twins!

Anonymous said... 4

Yes, that must just take so much sacrifice to pencil in your I-Phone "visit with kids"

I really wonder if the kids have to go through the married bodyguard to contact their mom.


Kelly said... 5

A couple reasons why Kate was running in her flip flops.

1. Dollar Days sale on a box of Wine in Reading
2. Camera crews were driving off without her
3. Shoka and Nala were stalking her
4. Food poisoning from the previous night in Manhattan. Had to get to the Loo.
5. Nanny called her and told her the kids were in her bedroom.
6. Paps showed up at her house instead of the tanning salon. Had to get back home STAT.

Paula said... 6

Looking at the other pictures - Tony is just laughing away. He knows the score with this woman and I am sure he cannot wait to be rid of her.

Anonymous said... 7

"2. Camera crews were driving off without her"

Hahaha.....that's hysterical.


Anonymous said... 8

Kelly you are gonna make Kate's Botox wrinkle if you keep this up.


*Sugar&Spice* said... 9

Why does kate just get her own tanning bed? It would cost less in the long run. Plus oh those pesky P people wouldn't be around to take pics. Remember Kate you said you hated the P people.

If she had her own tanning bed. Than she would have more time with the kido's instead of driving 30 min back and forth trying to get cancer.

She needs to start drinking gallons of water if she wants to keep on tanning.

Troy C in San Diego said... 10

Don't worry folks, she will be eliminated this week and then right into the book tour. TLC and ABC negotiated her fee to be the highest (per media mags) and to make her appear "soft" or in a better light. Hah! ABC couldnt even resist showing her the way she really is (of course their mkt people are fully aware of what brings in ratings).

I keep telling my wife that if Kate at least tried to be decent and put on a beleivable smile, half of the haters would give her a break because she is a strong women. However, the ice water in her veins just wont allow decency.

She is a LONG way from the trailer park and she is NEVER going back there. I think Kate is a perfect example of someone who cannot handle fame. I predict she will be the "Brian Bosworth" of reality TV soon (lots of expectations, but no real substance once the pedel hits the metal).

Anonymous said... 11

She looks good.

Anonymous said... 12

"Than she would have more time with the kido's instead of driving 30 min back and forth trying to get cancer." Suga&spice

Yes, the fake mom who would not do anything that could put her out of commission from being a mom poisons her body what an image for others to look up to. Kate is so Kontradictory she believes her own Kontradictions.


NT said... 13

Where are the other photos?

NT said... 14

Nevermind,I found them.

Anonymous said... 15

Gosh, you'd almost have to think some huge joke is being played on Kate.

First, the decision to go on DWTS. From what I can see, all that this has accomplished is that it's significantly increased the numbers of those who dislike Kate. There seem to be many who'd not previously heard of her but who now dislike her after seeing her on DWTS.

Second, I'm seeing lots and lots of comments about the fact Jon has been not only paying child support but that it's a LOT of child support. This seems to be having a very large influence on people who previously did not have an opinion.

And third...although I've not read the book yet, of course...but the snippets from it that I'm reading, esp the ones that negatively portray her children (ie: "You have challenged my authority greatly"...written to one of them) sound to me like things that are NOT going to go over well with those (especially mothers) who read it....and in fact, may very well be panned by reviewers.

And finally...a new show where she helps others undergoing challenges? For a women who is knee-deep in all her own family challenges? And is struggling with the public drama of her own family challenges? It would almost seem as if someone has to be joking.

It would be highly unlikely that anything would change the minds of die-hard Kate fans. But lately, it seems like many of the recent events are likely to create a big increase in the numbers of those who do not have a great opinion of her. It almost makes me wonder about her handlers......or whether she's listening to them.


theotheranonymous said... 16

It kind of looks like Tony is chasing her away. Finally. Who needs money that bad.

Kelly said... 17


I think you are correct. The chapters in that book are going to bite her in the butt, especially knowing that she's not only subjected her children to the intrusive world of Reality Television, but she's now shared with those who were fortunate not to watch the show, all of her childrens deepest fears and challenges. She's taken the lid off of any privacy they may have once guarded, even at their young ages.

The other thing that's going to take a chunk out of that trunk is womans groups. When they see the obviously staged programing featuring Kate offering advice to someone who is downtrodden and less fortunate than Kate, the backlash is going to be enormous. The reality of where Kate is right now is that she and her husband fleeced churches for money. Took freebies from all over the country and then rather than donate any of the items they didn't or wouldn't use, they put them up for sale on Ebay.

On top of all that, once the womens groups see the fake benevolence the outcry of "FRAUD" is going to loud and noticed as Kate is only where she is right now because she forced her children to be in front of the camera for cash and she is the only one to benefit from it. Her lies will be her undoing and we're all seeing that undoing begin to happen.

Paula said... 18

If the snippets of Kate's book that have been put out there so far are any indication of what the book is all about, Kate is in for with this book. No "real" Mother would EVER say things like that to their child, much less put it in a book for people to read. And I'm with the person who asked how a publisher, a "Christian" one at that could publish such a hurtful book.

Katesucks said... 19

Is it possible to adjust the right margin of the calendar in the side bar? Saturdays are cut off. Or is it just my computer?
TIA ~ Administrator said... 20

For me it's not cut off. Is it cut off for anyone else? Did you try scrolling over?

Katesucks said... 21

Actually it's Friday & Saturday that are cut off... ~ Administrator said... 22

try that

Kelly said... 23

The other thing that burns my ass, beside a flame that is 4 feet high, is the show where Kate took the pink scooter that was DONATED to her by the O.C. Chopper guys, which in turn was paid for by TLC, and grateful Kateful took the kids along with the scooter to Ronald McDonald house and acted like she was giving something to them that she paid for. IT WAS FREE.

Then in another episode, she and the kids went back to Ronald McDonald house to cook dinner for the residents there however there was just one big flaw in that story line.

She and the kids walked into the building with nothing in their hands and the food was already prepared, in aluminum foil pans, the kind you see at a catered bull roast and her homemade "PENNY PASTA", as Kate the Kook Kalled it, was also prepared previously. To add insult to injury, Kate Kalls the Kouples who are staying at Ronald McDonalds house on the loud speaker and announces that the dinner is served courtesy of "Jon and Kate plus Eight, minus Jon" and then kackles into the intercom. How classy and considerate, knowing that the reason these people were at the Ronald McDonald house was due to some unfortunate health issue for someone that was dear to them.

So, if you're expecting to see "Twist of Kate" where Kate is Kontributing her Kindness and love offerings, Konsider this:

1. Anything she gives to the less fortunate, was provided for by TLC and is some kind of product placement
2. Kate trying to spend a day in someone else's shoes is as laughable as Kan Do Kate dancing with the stars.
3 She'll be in and out of that persons home quicker than she was in and out of the Stars and Stripes charity show in Connecticut last year.
4. Nichole Ritchie and Paris Hilton had the same type of show and look where that is now.

Anonymous said... 24

Friday and saturday are cut off on the side when I look at it.


Anonymous said... 25

Yep we're in Kusiness with the Kalendar.

~Irene~ ~ Administrator said... 26

It seems to me Kate's show is Wife Swap, only she is the only one swapping in. How original.

Also anyone see the irony in her saying all this time I can't go back to nursing I can't go back to a normal job .... yet isn't the whole concept of this show Kate steps in and does normal stuff?

Katesucks said... 27

Thanks! It's smaller but it's all there now!

Anonymous said... 28


I know that there have been other times when I really did think the tide was turning...and I turned out to be wrong. So I'm hesitant to say this again...but I really do sense that at the very least, there is blood in the water now. For so long, it seemed like she was untouchable. The inconvenient facts were swept under the carpet over and over. I couldn't really understand it...and assumed that corporate power must be bigger than I even feared.

Knowing that a narcissist could not hide her real personality forever, I hoped that karma would eventually make an appearance. But there are just so many things going on behind the scenes and so many unknown facts (ie: just what IS in Jon's contract with TLC, etc.) that it's been so difficult to try and predict...or even test the waters.

But I truly have not seen such a massive turn of comments and in the this. The decision to do DWTS seems to have been SUCH a poor one...not only because Kate can't dance but putting a narcissist under this much physical stress and pressure is hugely terms of her true personality showing.

And this book..."although cute, you were a difficult baby" (Leah), "I sometimes became impatient with you being so easygoing, laid-back and good-natured (Joel), "you usually let Mady do the talking for you" (Cara), "you have challenged my authority greatly..I called daddy at work many times because you would not obey" (Collin), Aaden was ""rattled", "disturbed" and "cried inconsolably".
I'm just shaking my head. I'm a mom and even if I'd never heard of her, I'd want to strangle her, reading this. I can't believe any publisher, much less a Christian publisher, would think this was great.

And then this new show, Twist of Kate. Honestly, I thought it was a joke when I first heard. It would be comical if it wasn't supposed to be serious. I don't see how anyone is supposed to interview or discuss this with her on TV with a straight face. One of the world's biggest narcissistic grifter helping others. And she has to look sympathetic? About someone other than herself?

And also letting the children be back on TV in specials? I can't even believe TLC would be so insane or would even touch that hot-button issue again. You would think that with all their other reality shows with young children at stake, this would be the LAST thing they'd want brought up again.

Either someone is intentionally planning her downward spiral or she's calling all the shots and just won't listen to anyone advising her.

Or else I'm on some other planet and "due back on the planet Earth".


Anonymous said... 29

Yes, I agree. Lordie bee could you imagine someone like Kate in your home or on your job? Giving advice, etc when her whole brand is so dysfunctional.
She doesn't even take care of her own children & responsibilities. And, these people will be paid to have her come in, a fraction of what she will get paid, a fraction of what TLC will get.

I can just picture Kate being a plumber by day for a single mom & coming to a home to have to cook dinner, get homework done, baths & bedtime.


Anonymous said... 30

The similar show with Paris and Nicole was supposed to be "sort-of" a joke, right? Is Twist of Kate supposed to be like that? "Sort-of" a joke?

This is what I don't get. Is TLC trying to make her respectable and serious...or infamous? They say she brings in the ratings, like her or hate her. That's great, but what is she supposed to be?

She's repeatedly attempted to make quasi-jokes about her lack of dancing skills on DWTS...which have fallen flat....because she clearly DOES care about doing well on the show, regardless of what she tries to claim.
If she actually DID have fun with it...were able to shrug off that she can't to pull it off like Buzz Aldrin did, that would be different. But she cannot pull-off a self-deprecating act and be believable. So it ends up being embarrassing and cringe-worthy.

At this point, her infamy and notoriety are so pronounced, she needs to go with it. What makes no sense is this turning around and trying to do a serious show where she exhibits empathy and tries to help people....or a book where she pretends to seriously care about her children and what they think of her.

It's downright confusing at this point. So confusing, I think, that it will be the beginning of the end for her.


Kelly said... 31

I don't know folks. I just looked at that picture again and the cop in me tells me that she is doing the ever infamous "Potty Trot" in that picture.

I've been a victim of that very same affliction many times in my lifetime, especially after a free breakfast of McDonalds Hot Cakes and Sausage. Notice how Tony is laughing in the background too and most importantly, He's STAYING in the background. She's not carrying her two shoulder bags, a purse, a pink phone or her keys. This is serious. I'll bet that roll of Charmin is still spinning, where ever she ended up.

mommyinca said... 32

Kelly, would you PLEASE give us some kind of warning before you post so we can put some sort of splash guard on our monitor LOL

mama mia said... 33

The next time Kate is on air whining about how she misses her kids do you think they could play a montage of these ROL approved shots where she is always taking care of her appearance? I think the tide has turned, people who never heard of her but are fans with DWTS are upset she is on "their" show. Reality show stars don't make the transition over to real stardom and Kate is no exception.

Anonymous said... 34

tony makes me laugh in those pictures. She on the other looking real hard now-a-days.


Anonymous said... 35

I believe Kate was saying " let's go quick, I proved to the sheeple I'm home taking care of those kids. Let's hurry to the airport before the kids, see me!"


Anonymous said... 36

"Tag! You're it!!"

theotheranonymous said... 37

Kelly, lololol you're too much!!

If there is any justice in the world, the key was attached to a tire rim at the gas station washroom she ended up at.

Anonnie Moss said... 38

I hope Tony gets paid for being her chauffeur in addition to everything else he's been subjected to. ABC has to be paying him a pretty penny to do this - he'll probably get first pick at next season's 'star'.

Kelly....LOL! You crack me up. Pardon the pun, but you have her nailed.

Isn't she on TODAY this coming Monday? Another kiss-her-a** interview with Meredith? I can't wait to miss that one.

NancyB said... 39

Kart's calling her new book "a work of art and compares herself on the level of Shakespeare!

Kate Gosselin Declares Book War on Sarah Palin

While time will tell if Kate Gosselin is going to be a 'Dancing' queen, the octomom extraordinaire is looking to be king of the publishing world, and has one Alaskan in her sights. Sources who know Miss Gosselin say that Kate's main goal in releasing her new book is simple: Beat Sarah Palin. Be careful, Kate -- that's one lipstick wearing pit bull that we wouldn't want to mess with!

Has Kate Gosselin finally met her match? Sources tell me the mom of eight is getting ready to take on Sarah Palin with the release of her new book, 'I Just Want You To Know.'

"Kate has made it clear that her goal is to sell more books than Sarah, which she doesn't think will be that hard since Kate thought Sarah's book was dull," a friend of Kate's tells me.

Kate received over $1 million for her 500 page, eight chapter book. No, the number of chapters isn't a coincidence -- each one is a letter to each of her children.

Still, the dancing mom has her work cut out for her if she wants to beat the staggering 2.5 million copies that Sarah sold.

"Kate is very confident she will beat Sarah," an insider tells me. "Kate considers her writing a work of art. Up there with Shakespeare."

Oh, the great Bard must be dizzy from all of the rolling he's doing in his grave.

Diane said... 40

Hi Nancy B,

"Kate has made it clear that her goal is to sell more books than Sarah, which she doesn't think will be that hard since Kate thought Sarah's book was dull," a friend of Kate's tells me.

I bet Kate had trouble with all those big words. I do not believe for 1 minute that Kate even tried to read Sarah's book.

Lauren said... 41

Kelly said...
I don't know folks. I just looked at that picture again and the cop in me tells me that she is doing the ever infamous "Potty Trot" in that picture.

I've been a victim of that very same affliction many times in my lifetime, especially after a free breakfast of McDonalds Hot Cakes and Sausage. Notice how Tony is laughing in the background too and most importantly, He's STAYING in the background. She's not carrying her two shoulder bags, a purse, a pink phone or her keys. This is serious. I'll bet that roll of Charmin is still spinning, where ever she ended up.


This just proves that KATE is FULL OF SH*T, literally and figuratively!!!

Anonymous said... 42

I'd still like to know who wrote this book for Kate.

theotheranonymous said... 43

"Kate is very confident she will beat Sarah," an insider tells me. "Kate considers her writing a work of art. Up there with Shakespeare."

OMG. If narcissists peak, Kate has reached the summit.

mommyinca. said... 44

Regarding the book: I think it's absolutely criminal the way Kate reveals the children's fears and challenges.
I seriously hope that someone will call her out on it. There is just NO excusing this type of abuse.
Would Kate want someone writing a book about her PCOS and how it affected THEM? How would Kate like it if her mother wrote a book about her childhood detailing all of Kate's insecurities and challenges? I just don't understand her mentality.

Also regarding her new show Twist of Kate: I honestly don't see how she is going to be able to empathize with anyone else. All of her interviews (even when they ask questions about other people) come back to her. When asked about Erin Andrews, Kate manages to bring the conversation back to her and her struggles. I just don't see how anyone is going to get any help at all from Kate.

Paula said... 45

LOL - OMG. Does anyone really believe Kate Gosselin has read Sarah Palin's book? That article had to have been written by someone who hates Kate.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 46

Check out the rest of these pics:

Kate Gosselin and Tony Dovolani: Tanning Booth Twosome

Adding a bit of color to their skin, Kate Gosselin and Tony Dovolani were spotted leaving a tanning salon in Reading, Pennsylvania on Friday (April 9).

The “Dancing With the Stars” duo looked to be in a hurry as they emerged from their tanning session and sped off, perhaps to get back to practicing their dance routine.

On Thursday night, Kate enjoyed a night out in Manhattan’s Upper West Side dressed in a black dress and heels.

Despite her struggles with dancing, Gosselin’s dance partner Tony recently told press he still has faith in Kate, sharing, “I strongly believe in her. The very first words she said on our show was, 'I want to win.' I told her today that I still see the possibility of her winning."


Whhhaaaat? Tony sees the possibility of Khate winning? Oh, give me a freaking break! You know, part of me almost wishes Khate would continue on DWTS all the way to winning it. That could eventually be the demise of this ridiculous, rigged show. Then again, I want Khate off of it ASAP because it just all feeds her ego. She doesn't care what anyone's saying about her, as long as they're talking about her. I honestly think her biggest fear in life is to fade back into obscurity in PA,(even if it is in a McMansion on 20-something acres with eight healthy, adorable children).

By the way, did anyone notice the logo on her jacket? Check out this pic from the set:

Close up

I recognized the name "Bonnie" and I wondered if it was from The Bonnie Hunt Show. I don't watch her show, so I'm unfamiliar with the logo. So, I went to the website:

The Bonnie Hunt Show

Yup, Khate's wearing a running suit from the Bonnie Hunt Show. Has she been on there recently? The website says that Tom Bergeron and Niecy will be on the show Monday.

One other thing, Admin that site says those pics are from Friday, even though they were posted today. It's probably not confirmation enough, but maybe Khate was in PA on Friday so the Kalendar might have to be updated.

NancyB said... 47

Kart's new book of shame has already had a price reduction! It has been discounted from $22.99 to $12.41. Isn't that odd...I can't remember another book being discounted before it was even released. Can anyone tell me if this is unusual or not? Also check out the tags!!! I had totally forgotten about this but many of of us filled these out in Jan. when announcement for book 1st came out. Scoll down aways and see those TAGS!!!!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 48

I forgot to mention this - that close-up pic that I just linked to shows that Khate hasn't has a new manicure yet. She's still sporting that horrid Halloweenish pedicure from last week. Is this a new trend that I missed the memo on? I never in my life have seen a french manicure that has a thin black line painted on after the white tip. It's fugly as hell! What's even worse is if you scroll through the next set of pics at that site, the set from her night out in NYC on Thursday, there's a close-up of her shoes and she's sporting the same fugly look on her pedicure. Yuck (click on pic to enlarge):

Fugly pedicure

theotheranonymous said... 49

Her fans will still stampede over each other to get near her, maybe even touch her clothe at the books signings and the talk show hosts will have a field day panning her book. Either way, she's getting attention so she's achieving her goal as a career famewhore.

About the photos: IDK but there is something kinda 'oogy' about Tony tanning with Kate. Yuck. I wonder if he's seen her mispositioned belly button.

Her manicure was the same and it made her nails look like they had dirt under them. And the fugly pedicure matches the fugly feet.

Diane said... 50

Hi mommyinca,

How would Kate like it if her mother wrote a book about her childhood detailing all of Kate's insecurities and challenges? I just don't understand her mentality.


Oh, I wish her Mom would. That would be great. I'd buy it. And, Kate says she only e-mails her Mom once a month. Of course, in Kate's mind that counts as talking to her Mom. Maybe, parents. Maybe, Kate e-mails her Mom her news letter. ha!

All of her interviews (even when they ask questions about other people) come back to her. When asked about Erin Andrews, Kate manages to bring the conversation back to her and her struggles. I just don't see how anyone is going to get any help at all from Kate.


Kate, on the View, also brought the conversation back to her when they were talking about Patrick Swayze dying. She actually is good at that.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 51

Sorry, in my comment at 2:30, I meant she has the same Halloweenish manicure (not pedicure) from last week. Then, as I said, if you check out that one pic, it's even worse because she has a matching pedicure.

Diane said... 52

Hi Nobody likes a Narcissist,

I want to thank you for the prayers for my hubby. I appreciate so much.

And, she had the fugly pedi last week, too. Don't remember where I saw the pic of her feet last week, but, she did. I's like to know if it is a new thing, too.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 53

Hey everyone, over at Z on TV's latest post asking whether we think Khate will finally get booted off DWTS this week, I posted a comment a few hours ago, but it's still in moderation. So, I thought I would post it here too. Z asked for a poll, so I made one:

TAKE the POLL! Will Khate finally get booted from DWTS this week?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 54

Hi Diane! You are so welcome, my fellow zlogger! I caught up at Z's posts a few hours ago and I saw you mention he's doing better today. So happy to hear that! I know all about those types of scares, so I can imagine how you felt, especially with him away at the moment. Be well! :)

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 55

Hmm, is this pic at Tony's home? I thought they were headed back to CA today:

Luana's favorite place ! ..... Ok mine to lol

about 4 hours ago via UberTwitter

Anonymous said... 56

The pics of Kart in the Bonnie Hunt warm up suit were impressive for me for 1 major reason -- the new and improved, larger diamond necklace around her neck. Take a gander at this closeup:

The blurb w/pics of her nite out in NYC are hilarious, imo. Kart thinks her dance ability is A-OK -- "It’s very difficult. I can’t put my life aside and dance for six hours a day. It’s not my lack of ability, but lack of presence." Sooo, she has the ability and talent?? but just isn't spending the hours to perfect it, huh? I wonder what Tony would say about that?

From her stiff and fake, teeth-clenched smile, to her gawd-awful over-plucked eyebrows, down to her stocky legs and ham-hock cankles, all day-glo orange and over made-up, she looks like a reject from a wax museum. WTH is her stylist, because she needs to fire them and hire someone who actually likes her. lmao

Anonymous said... 57

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Hmm, is this pic at Tony's home? I thought they were headed back to CA today:
Luana's favorite place ! ..... Ok mine to lol

My guess is that it's Tony's house, too. Maybe they didn't fly together like last week and he took a later flight.

NancyB said... 58

Nobody Likes a Narcissist-
You are terrific!! I will take the poll right after I post this to you--I need your assistance--how do you make a link show up so you can just click on it--like yours? Thanks in advance.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 59

Wow, my detective skills turned up some interesting info in about two minutes. I googled Steve's full name after seeing a link somewhere to his company's site. It took me only a minute or two to find his real estate tax bill, including the annual property taxes for 2009, the address, and the assessed value of the home. I know every county and state is different as far as how close to fair market value the assessed value is, but he must be doing quite well from what I'm looking at.

And before some sheeple cries "stalker", wake up and join the 21st century. Most Counties have all their public records online these days. Note the term "public records". There's nothing stalkerish about it so let me just say preemptively: relax.

NancyB said... 60

Pam seems like a sweetheart!
Erin recently talked about what the "Baywatch" star has done for her in the past week:

"I was with my sister, crying about some stuff and all of a sudden I open my email and there's an email from Pam... She just said, 'Hey, I'm so sorry. I'm here for you. Here's my cellphone number, let me know if you need anything, I'll come (and) get you."

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 61

Hi NancyB! It's easy to make a clickable link. I never remember all the code, so I keep the code in my Notepad. The problem is I'm trying to paste it here for you, but it's converting it to a link.

Let me try this:

Click here for the code

Sorry, but that's the only way I could do it (I took a screen shot of the code on my laptop, saved it and then uploaded it as a pic to TinyPic)

So, you'll have to type that code exactly as I have it there. That's just the format for how to do it. Type that as your code format and then save it in your Notepad or anywhere you want, (that's just so you don't have to write it down and manually type it every time, but some people do it manually).

When you want to make a clickable link, copy and paste that code into your comment box. Then, copy the URL from the website you're linking to and instead of just pasting into your comment, highlight the part that's between the quotes and paste in the URL.

Then, where it says put name here, just type in the name of the link, or whatever you want to call your link.

Hope that helps! Let me know if it doesn't make sense, or work for you.

Anonymous said... 62

How many of you will be going to church tomorrow and letting the congregation know how you spent your Saturday snarking on a woman with 8 precious gift from God.

It's not your place to judge Kate, that is between her and her God.

Do your Pastors know how you spend your time today?

Just some food for thought. I only write what I wouldn't be ashamed for my friends and fellow church members to read.

Anonymous said... 63


You really need to get right with God

You should be ashamed of yourself.

NancyB said... 64

Anonymous @ 5:50PM said...
I only write what I wouldn't be ashamed for my friends and fellow church members to read.
And so do we!

Katesucks said... 65

Anonymous @ 5:50pm,
Are YOU going to go to church to confess and repent for reading all of the snarky posts?
Take your sanctimonious bs and cram it.
If it's not 'our place to judge Kate', it's not YOUR place to judge US.

PatK said... 66

They were 8 precious gifts from science.

God knew what he was doing.

Katesucks said... 67

That may be too deep for the sheeple to get. ;-)

Katesucks said... 68

Does anyone remember the interview Jon did about a year or so ago where he alluded to the fact that HE 'couldn't have more kids' (as in he had a vasectomy-or maybe Kart really DID rip his you know whats off)? Was it the KUTV interview? If Kart had such a problem with infertility, why would Jon have needed a vasectomy? Another potential inKONsistency to ponder...

Anonymous said... 69

Kate sucks I am sorry that you feel that way. Yes I will probably discuss this with my pastor.

I have a heavy heart to think people are out to destroy the mother of those precious children.

The Bible teaches us to care for our fellow man.

Yes science provided the ability to have the children but they are still precious gifts from God.

NancyB said... 70

Nobody Likes a Narcissist-
Thank-you so much! I will practice tomr.

The Athiest said... 71

How many of you will be going to church tomorrow and letting the congregation know how you spent your Saturday snarking on a woman with 8 precious gift from God

God had NOTHING to do with creating those children. GOD made Katie Irene Gosselin INFERTILE because GOD knew she'd make a terrible mother.

SCIENCE made those kids.

my9cats said... 72

Anonymous said...
How many of you will be going to church tomorrow and letting the congregation know how you spent your Saturday snarking on a woman with 8 precious gift from God.

It's not your place to judge Kate, that is between her and her God.

Do your Pastors know how you spend your time today?

Just some food for thought. I only write what I wouldn't be ashamed for my friends and fellow church members to read.

April 10, 2010 5:50 PM

Look who's being judgmental.
As far as "I only write what I wouldn't be ashamed for my friends and fellow church members to read.", if so, why do you sign off as 'anonymous'?
Better hurry and get a good seat at services. You need it. Hypocrite.

Anonymous said... 73


And I have no problems whatsoever with ANYTHING I have ever said or written about her. It's all been based on the woman's words and actions. Her OWN words and actions.

She is a despicable narcissistic liar and SHE is the one who needs to be in church on Sunday.

But she won't be. Too busy getting her face on TV, don'tcha know!

my9cats said... 74

There is a person signing on as 'anonymous', then closing as 'Julie from Texas' on WG. Same style with comments like 'does your pastor know what your doing?' Sounds like anonymous 5:50.

Wilma said... 75

I will be going to church but the question is.. when was the last time Kate or her kids went to church?

Kelly said... 76

I'm not going to church tomorrow. I was raised Catholic. 12 years of corporal punishment, looking at women dressed like nuns that today resemble women in burkas. 12 years of being punched in the face, smacked on the knuckles, kicked in the ass, pulled by the ears, threatned with a ruler on my backside, an eraser on my face, Nuns called Sister Michael and Priests called Father Jan. Talk about a religion of WTF, I had no idea that women were so strong, dressed in their black robes and armed to the teeth with weapons of mass destruction, i.e. yard sticks, chalk holders, erasers and leather straps they pulled from their sleeves like Chuck Norris would in a Hollywood movie.

No, I'm not going to church tomorrow and for that matter, neither is Kate and for that matter, I'm pretty certain that those who belong to the congregation that Kate and Jon did, are glad Kate and Jon aren't going to church tomorrow either. They're tired of passing around the love offering plate.

Seems that plate has grifted Jon and Kate into a lifestyle that neither you nor I will ever have and neither will they.

Going to church tomorrow won't make me any better a person than going to McDonalds will make me a hamburger.

No, I'm not going to church tomorrow, next week or next year. I'm going to spend tomorrow, doing for me. God knows it all, can turn it all around. He doesn't need me on my knees praying for him to do it. He's God, I'm just me.

Nancy said... 77


Amen :)

Brandy said... 78

Just a few things that I found funny...

She talks and talks about how healthy she is...doesn't eat red meat, only eats organic, blah, blah, blah...but then goes TANNING?!? (She's probably a closet smoker, too!) What a hypocrit. You know she's one of those mother's that doersn't ecplain things to her kids when she tells them not to do something...her reason is "Because I said so!"

The other things is "A Twist of Kate". Are you KIDDING me? A woman whose life is so royally screwed up...there is no way I would want her in my life giving meadvice. She needs to be in therapy GETTING advice...not getting involved in strangers lives giving it out. I think this is TLC's way of trying to get people to seeher as "human" and "gentle' and get more sympathy for her. But honestly...the truth comes out and people see what you are. Her crocodile tears only go so far. If I yelled at my husband and treated him like an imbecile the way Kate treated Jon, my hubby would leave me, too.

This woman needs to grow up and get back to reality.

Nancy said... 79


Amen :)

The Athiest said... 80

How many of you will be going to church tomorrow and letting the congregation know how you spent your Saturday snarking on a woman with 8 precious gift from God

God had NOTHING to do with creating those children. GOD made Katie Irene Gosselin INFERTILE because GOD knew she'd make a terrible mother.

SCIENCE made those kids.

Katesucks said... 81

Does anyone remember the interview Jon did about a year or so ago where he alluded to the fact that HE 'couldn't have more kids' (as in he had a vasectomy-or maybe Kart really DID rip his you know whats off)? Was it the KUTV interview? If Kart had such a problem with infertility, why would Jon have needed a vasectomy? Another potential inKONsistency to ponder...

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 82

Wow, my detective skills turned up some interesting info in about two minutes. I googled Steve's full name after seeing a link somewhere to his company's site. It took me only a minute or two to find his real estate tax bill, including the annual property taxes for 2009, the address, and the assessed value of the home. I know every county and state is different as far as how close to fair market value the assessed value is, but he must be doing quite well from what I'm looking at.

And before some sheeple cries "stalker", wake up and join the 21st century. Most Counties have all their public records online these days. Note the term "public records". There's nothing stalkerish about it so let me just say preemptively: relax.

Kelly said... 83


I think you are correct. The chapters in that book are going to bite her in the butt, especially knowing that she's not only subjected her children to the intrusive world of Reality Television, but she's now shared with those who were fortunate not to watch the show, all of her childrens deepest fears and challenges. She's taken the lid off of any privacy they may have once guarded, even at their young ages.

The other thing that's going to take a chunk out of that trunk is womans groups. When they see the obviously staged programing featuring Kate offering advice to someone who is downtrodden and less fortunate than Kate, the backlash is going to be enormous. The reality of where Kate is right now is that she and her husband fleeced churches for money. Took freebies from all over the country and then rather than donate any of the items they didn't or wouldn't use, they put them up for sale on Ebay.

On top of all that, once the womens groups see the fake benevolence the outcry of "FRAUD" is going to loud and noticed as Kate is only where she is right now because she forced her children to be in front of the camera for cash and she is the only one to benefit from it. Her lies will be her undoing and we're all seeing that undoing begin to happen.

Anonymous said... 84

Kate sucks I am sorry that you feel that way. Yes I will probably discuss this with my pastor.

I have a heavy heart to think people are out to destroy the mother of those precious children.

The Bible teaches us to care for our fellow man.

Yes science provided the ability to have the children but they are still precious gifts from God.

NT said... 85

Where are the other photos?

Troy C in San Diego said... 86

Don't worry folks, she will be eliminated this week and then right into the book tour. TLC and ABC negotiated her fee to be the highest (per media mags) and to make her appear "soft" or in a better light. Hah! ABC couldnt even resist showing her the way she really is (of course their mkt people are fully aware of what brings in ratings).

I keep telling my wife that if Kate at least tried to be decent and put on a beleivable smile, half of the haters would give her a break because she is a strong women. However, the ice water in her veins just wont allow decency.

She is a LONG way from the trailer park and she is NEVER going back there. I think Kate is a perfect example of someone who cannot handle fame. I predict she will be the "Brian Bosworth" of reality TV soon (lots of expectations, but no real substance once the pedel hits the metal).

Paula said... 87

Looking at the other pictures - Tony is just laughing away. He knows the score with this woman and I am sure he cannot wait to be rid of her.

Administrator said... 88

Now this is class. When asked for a comment about Kate, Tony's former partner just says, Tony is tough I cried too! Talk about a neutral comment. She is a mom too of six count them six kids--and twins!