Friday, April 9, 2010

Kate still in NYC, still hasn't seen the kids

Still traipsing around New York City, Kate was spotted out on the town Thursday night. She needs to fly back to L.A. on Saturday, is she planning on seeing the kids at all this week?

67 sediments (sic) from readers:

Gosselin Kids all the way said... 1

According to US magazine, she is claiming the kids are 'very excited' to be back on, just incredible!

Paula said... 2

Unbelievable - the woman has yet to go home and nobody in the media has called her out on it. Am I naive to believe that Jon's attorney can use this as further proof of Kate and her absent parenting?

Kelly said... 3

Kids? What Kids? Those aren't kids. They're employees. we get to see the whole bunch go to the Statue of Liberty this summer. Bad Jon denied them that pleasure last year when he cancelled the show.

Can't wait to see them back at Bald Head Island screaming because someone just found a sand crab. Oh yeah and then we get to watch them on another battle ship firing the cannons at the P People.

Yowzaaaaaa, another trip to see the Phillies play baseball and a chance for more freebies. Holy go to War Ms. Murphy, they might even get additions put on their crooked houses. Oh and wait, it's gonna get even better this year. We're going to get to see the stars of Toddlers and Tiaras come and visit and teach them all how to apply makeup, just like Mom does.

Maybe even Mikey from OC Choppers will come by for an impromptu visit and play with his puppet while the kids all laugh and throw food at him. Oh and wait.........that's not all. A very special guest is going to visit us at the lockdown. The cast of TLC's latest show, "Addicted" is going to drop on in for a little cross promotion. Can't wait for that one.

Anonymous said... 4

"Kids? What Kids? Those aren't kids. They're employees." Kelly

Yep & they are also 8 High Order Money Makers like Diane & Nancyb have said.

I wonder what her excuse will be as to why she has not been with the kids this week? I guess Nobu, yarn upkeep, always takes priority huh?


Nancy said... 5

You would think at some point common sense would kick in and somebody anybody in authority would look into this situation. I don't care what Jon or Kate do but these kids are being forgotten about and paraded around for their parents fame and fortune... I honestly just don't understand

Anonymous said... 6

Well I wonder if TLC kept the Kate plus 8 thing going to keep Jon under contract? Just makes you wonder.

As far as Kate being in New York. Whoda thunk? ABC is filling up the airwaves with an empty dancefloor in her home to practice trying to get people to believe....then poof the truth comes out.

I think the truth hurts Kate overall. She truly believes her own PR that is the saddest next to what is happening to the children.

I wonder if Nobu is really that great? I mean great enough to abandon your children for.


Judy Smith said... 7

I hope the kids are wearing their Billy Bush dance shoes and scuffing the hell out of that dance floor while she's gone.

Kelly said... 8

I hope the kids are squeezing those grapes all over the mirrored wall in the dance room/dungeon and leaving the sliding door open for all those rolly poleies to come on in and get comfortable.

I hope those nannies are giving those kids all the Hubba Bubba bubble gum their little mouths can chew and they all put the gum under the table before they get their daily dinner ration.

I hope they use their sidewalk chalk on the dance floor and draw regulation size NBA floor marks all over it while they practice hoop shots they learned from the Harlem Globe Trotters.

Debbie said... 9

I saw that there will be an interview with Kate on the Today show on Tuesday. Perhaps Kate is in New York now to pre-tape the interview with Meredith Viera.

mama mia said... 10

Kate is just like a heroin addict who shares needles with her kids. Their drug is fame and as Kate mainlines on fame and insists her kids are happiest shooting up, or being filmed and on tv, the world says nothing. Where is the outrage? This family has lost everything to fame and the kids paid the highest price of all. They never got to have a childhood. Meanwhile, Kate is bragging about her exhaustion chasing after fame. She looks like crap.

Kelly said... 11

Yeah, Kate's probably pre taping the interview with Meredith as we speak. Kate, sitting on the right side of the couch with Steve Nield standing in the background protecting her from an errant intern gone amock or possibly Meredith going postal on her.

Kate sitting there with those gargantuan legs crossed, staring at Meredith with her wonky eye and answering the softball questions with a few "Ums or Ahhhs" peppered with a witch cackle every other sentence and an innuendo or two of Jon not paying his support and then highlighted with a couple "Single Mom" phrases and a signature, "It's for the Kids" remark.

I wonder if Steve has to do a security sweep of the "Green room" before Clean Slate Kate enters.
I'll bet halfway through the ride home in the limo, the GPS system keeps telling the driver to make a left off the Ben Franklin Bridge.

IATK said... 12

You are all too funny and thanks for the smiles.

I hope the court orders include mandated counseling for each individual child, each with their own counselor, off-site and on at least a weekly basis for long as is required to be determined by the counselor and courts, not mom and dad. That the counselors report directly to the courts on any and all progress, concerns etc. And that TLC has absolutely no influence, power or input into this decision.

How can anyone possibly know how the kids are being effected by all this unless someone with the knowledge, skills and training are allowed to talk to them.

And if it's true that the children have yet to see a counselor on an ongoing basis, I am appalled that Kate is being allowed a pass on this neglectful act, the most glaring of lies, and no one is calling her out on it.

Gosselin Kids all the way said... 13

I have to say that the only good that has come out of the whole J&K+8 saga is the education that I have received on how the media manipulates and how 'incestual' the whole industry is. Has anyone seen the movie "Trading Places" with Dan Ackroyd and Eddie Murphy? It was done in the late 70s/early 80s and basically on a whim of 2 oldtimer executives, they decide to turn one person's world upside down and turn another persons world into a lap of luxury to see if they will be able to survive. Dan Ackroyd was a successful, rich, snobby financier and they planted evidence of him being a drug user/dealer, thief and turned everyone against him (even hired a hooker, sound familiar?). Eddie Murphy was down and out and he was taken in to live in a huge mansion with a servant, endless supply of money and cars. The best part was the 'bet' by the 2 executives was only for a $1 because they wanted to see what would happen. I feel that this is like a bad twlight zone movie and TLC is doing a social experiment or something. Unfortunately, it is real life and not a movie set. The only ones being hurt at the end are the 8 beautiful children at the end.

Diane said... 14

Hi Irene, Kelly,

If you do make dwts Kelly, I think all of us would vote for you. You could win!

Irene, I hope Kate enjoys the raw fish. I bet she does. It's not my cup of tea, but, I do think it is hers. Yummy.

Hi Debbie,

I think, Kate is doing the View next tues., too. Maybe, that is Kate's career....being a tv interviewee. I spelled that the way I wanted, not interviewer. Maybe, she is taping both.

mama mia, I agree with you. I think Kate is addicted to the spotlight. Jon probably is, too. I just don't see how Kate can really have any kind of career in tv, other than taping her kids on TLC. She has no talent. None. And, she rubs people the wrong way. She's unlikeable. I'm not sure if Kate has ever been happy with her life. I know she likes being infamous, but, I don't think she looks happy.

Personally, I think, Kate is trying to play the role of best little mommy in town and she is no actress. She has not been able to pull that role off in the past. And, isn't doing that now.

Yes, mama mia, we seem to be the only people outraged by this.

marnie said... 15

I guess with the new show, the kids will be allowed to go on 'family trips' again? Remember, Kate claimed that the cameras were just filming whatever they would normally do. The show allowed them to go on all these stupid trips bec. Kate claimed otherwise they could not afford it. Well now, for the past year or two they obviously could afford any trip in the book. I dont see Kate taking the kids on any trip. There are plenty of nannies to help. Why not Kate? Those kids spend 99% of their time in that house - it will be interesting to see if all of a sudden, they will be going on a 'trip' just as the cameras re-appear. I still cannot believe Jon has permitted them to film again. I hope the next time his attorney speaks out, he gives some sort of an explanation for this...oh forget it. I guess we all know why he's letting them film the kids again...

*Sugar&Spice* said... 16

I think Kate feel entitled doing everything she has been doing. To her she is working. She feels that providing for her kids means not being home. Since she did give her kids maybe 3 years of their life with them. Or was that 6 months of bed rest she was on. Oh I cant remember. She probably thinks that hannie poo, aiden little professor are getting to old to even cuddle with. Since they are in school. It doesn't bother kate one bit. That takes more mommy and me time away. So Kate thinks time with the kids is not that important. She works, they are in school and once in awhile they come together play and its back to the grind.

In one aspect the kids are lucky not to have Kate or Jon around. They are both screwed up. At least they have proper daycare/nanny providers. Even though I wouldn't want to leave my children with a nanny all the time. The children are probably use to not having either or around. Since its been about a year to two that kate started her pity me tour. Jon was out doing whatever. They have been in the care before with babysitters.

What im trying to say is that when one parent is not around a child becomes stagnant of that parent. They forget about the happy times they had together. The hold a grudge over that parent and never forget. Since they miss out on alot of the childs upbringing. That child is going to go through years of therapy. Because of the negligence of that parent.

You can see that the kids show pure excitement and love with jon. When the kids are around Kate they are almost zombie like.

theotheranonymous said... 17

Meanwhile, where is Tony? I have a hunch he is at this moment sitting unshaven, wearing a sweat soaked t-shirt, babbling inanely to himself in a scruffy little bar somewhere in New York pounding back one shot after another of cheap whiskey debating whether or not murder is such a terrible crime. If the poor man had had a crystal ball, he would probably have handed in his dancing shoes and taken up selling insurance somewhere in Iowa. My heart goes out to him.

And Kate shines on.

Gloria? GLORIA!!!!! said... 18

WHERE IS GLORIA ALLRED NOW?????????????????? Those children need her!

Gloria? GLORIA!!!!!!!! said... 19

Everyone here PLEASE contact Gloria Allred to do something on behalf of the Gosselin 8. All you have to do is fill out the online form.

Anonymous said... 20

Mama mia I think the general public is onto Kate.

We know this for sure we are onto her.


Sandy said... 21

Has anyone out there ever spoken to a 5 year old? Would any rational person say:

"I will never leave you. I know that all the recent events in our family structure have greatly upset you, maybe you most of all.

Does a 5 year old have the capacity to know what that means?

BTW, It reminds me of Dorothy talking to the scarecrow at the end of the movie.

Diane said... 22

LIST: Nancy, you`re a very smart lady and a very good attorney yourself, and you know that. That`s not what he asked for. Read the pleadings that were filed today in court. They were very specific. He is asking the court to review the question of child support. He is asking the court to review the issue of custody. Do you realize that today, the way the order stands, Kate Gosselin has sole discretion to determine whether or not Jon is able to see the eight children? Do you know of any other custody agreement that provides for such a -- you know, a lopsided arrangement? As far as child support...

GRACE: Well, you know, that`s a very good point, Anthony. That`s an excellent point. And it brings to mind the question why a court, a judge, or an arbitrator would have awarded that to her. What was it about Jon Gosselin that made a court or an arbitrator agree that she should dole out custody -- visitation as she sees fit?

LIST: Well, I think the fact that when Jon Gosselin walked into that very hearing that was to decide these very important issues, he did so with a New York attorney who had been representing him, and he was told that moment that he was not allowed to have the New York attorney represent him at that hearing. The lawyer from New York was told he could not participate, he could not question any witnesses, he could not offer any evidence. So Jon stood naked in the eyes of the law, while Kate was, as they say, lawyered up...

GRACE: Well, did they ever think...

LIST: She had four lawyers.

GRACE: Did they ever think of getting a continuance in order to get a lawyer that could practice in that jurisdiction?

LIST: You or I would have done that in a second, but that wasn`t done. It was never requested.

GRACE: OK. Well, OK...

LIST: Jon`s not a lawyer.

The above is part of the transcript from the Nancy Grace show the other night with Atty. List. Notice Jon was sort of blindsided and without representation.

Gloria? GLORIA!!!!!! said... 23

I meant to contact Gloria Allread to get the Gosselin 8 off television again, not about anything having to do with child custody. THOSE CHILDREN DO NOT BELONG ON TELEVISION!

Nancy said... 24

I guess I look at this whole situation and think she has a melt down coming and for that I feel for Kate. Anybody who has been through a divorce crashes at some point it's only natural. Luckily most of us do not have to do it under the glare of the media. In the latest video of the practice with Kate she looks drawn, tired and stressed. Don't get me wrong I think she is bringing it all on herself and possibly because of all her past behaviour has no one to truly lean on or as I had somebody who thankfully gave me a swift kick in the butt.

She can not see past the fame and fortune but it will come and unfortunatly there are 8 children who have to wait until that day comes

mommyinca said... 25

I cannot STAND Gloria Allred but I think in this instance, she would be a great child advocate. I know she went on TV with Jodi and Kevin last year to talk about how the kids were being exploited. I wonder if she's still working behind the scenes so to speak.
Kate's book seems like a good case for emotional abuse but emotional abuse is the hardest to prove :(

theotheranonymous said... 26

Nancy - Kate loves this stuff. Attention and sympathy is what she wants and the more the better. She's 'doing it for the Kate' and no one else.

Anonymous said... 27

Yes, Diane the Heller days were not Jon's best and brightest. If you walk in a room and your piranna estranged wife has 4 lawyers & yours isnt allowed to participate then it is time to get a lawyer.

Can anyone tell me why a ratings superstar like Kate has to have her children being filmed to continue her career? Some things with Kate are just so glaringly obvious.


NT said... 28

Why do those kids have to wait till they have a show to go on a trip? Doesn't Kate want to spend any of her own money to take them anywhere. They haven't been any where since thier show ended. Why isn't there anyone with the balls to confront her with any of this?!!!??

Anonymous said... 29

Kelly Said: I'll bet halfway through the ride home in the limo, the GPS system keeps telling the driver to make a left off the Ben Franklin Bridge.

OMG Kelly- that line is the funniest thing I've heard all day. Thank you. I needed that.

I can't even comment anymore. It's the craziest phenomonon I've ever seen.



Nancy said... 30

theotheranonymous said...

I completely agree it's just not going to be pretty when it all comes crashing down as it seems it is starting to even in a small way whithin the media. It's never fun to watch and it doesn't matter who it's happening too..

And to add to it there are children involved

Anonymous said... 31

Considering what Jon's done I really am surprised Kate didn't rush home and call The Today Show to tearfully announce the latest bad Jon story.

Unless she's really confident he's going to lose. After all once they start filming the kids again she'll be paid to be with them. Isn't that horrible? Imagine how the kids are going to feel when they realize Mommy only bothered to be with them or take them anywhere when she was paid to by TLC.

And now knowing what their divorce entailed I wonder if Kate made Jon settle with TLC in order to get any visitation. It also makes her comments that "he sees them when he sees them" make a bit more sense. Lordy I hate this woman.

mommyinca said... 32

Kate's career has been sold to us in small increments like boiling a frog. The public gets used to the idea of the kids being on TV. It then becomes "normal". They've forgotten about the way she treated Jon. All that matters now is that Jon cheated and Kate is trying to provide for her kids as a career woman and single mom. This is how the entertainment industry sees her.

I am embarrassed to be a woman in this day and age where child exploitation is an acceptable trade off for a mother's career. blechh! I need to go vomit now.

Diane said... 33

I was just watching showbiz tonight and they were asking if Kate has bit off too much and everybody seemed to think she has and that she cannot do a show(Twisted Kate) and still mother her children. They also do not think the kids should be on tv again and that Kate saying the kids are happy about it should be a red flag. It seems like the tides are turning on Kate.

NT said... 34

I think she did cry to the Today sho cos she's going to be interviewed on Tuesday. That's why she's in New tape the View and the Today show.

Anonymous said... 35

diane I hope the Gosselin children do not have to be filmed but I think that is a long shot to think they won't be.

Kate will not give this up until she is sent packing. Tlc has invested a fortune in her and they will not stop til all her dignity is gone.


Fed up with this family! said... 36

I find it quite unreal how her fans seem to brush her lies and back peddling under the rug! They really represent the word "fanatical" to the highest degree, regurgitating her words and taking the J&K+8 show as a realistic interpretation of what kind of person she is. No wonder she repeats the same things over and over again ex: "I'm a single Mom", "I have 8 mouths to feed". If she says it over and over like a chant, her followers will listen and believe. She really has the con-artist gift! But, this is a free world and people are free to admire whom ever they wish. I just wish that they would admit to her lies. I wish I would hear them say "I guess she really didn't go on DWTS for her kids to provide for them because she must have known that she had two TLC shows in the works". I wish they would see that she went on the show for exposure and to drum up interest for her book and two new shows. She is definitely not in the poor-house, she is definitely not the victim. I am not a fan of Kate and I know that I can avoid watching her shows. I just wish that she would stick to TLC and stop contaminating other programs and magazines. She irks me to no end! I don't think I've ever been annoyed by another TV personality as much as I have by Kate Gosselin. I have no problems with people having the careers they want. I have no problems with working Moms. I just wish she would give up the charade and admit that she's doing this for herself. Stop trying to be known as the world's greatest Mom when she's obviously choosing careers that keep her away from her kids an awful lot. She looks like a hypocrite! Other contestants on DTWS are moms but they don't shove that fact down our throats. I'm sure they're working to support their families as well! Whew, sorry so long winded. I've never posted here but have been reading for a while and felt comfortable enough to finally post!

Diane said... 37

Hi fed up,

Welcome. I hope you don't mind the nic name. Yes, I wish she would be honest, too. But, she isn't going to and neither will her dim witted fans. My goodness, that would require them to have reasoning skills, which they do not.

Hi Irene,

You are so right. She will not give up trying. I'm not sure she has any dignity left. She is mind boggling.

Oh, and, Jon was selected as the most provocative celebrity on showbiz tonite. He beat out Kate and Tiger Woods. Katie is gonna be jelus!

theotheranonymous said... 38

Nancy - Actually, I WILL enjoy watching Kate crash. I might even make popcorn the day it happens. When it does, it will be because of the way she's lied, manipulated, exploited, abused, belittled and demoralized anyone who's got in her way since she launched her plan to have 'just one more'. She is a ghoul and I have no pity for her. My sympathy is better spent on Jon and his children.

Anonymous said... 39

Kate appears to be in New York for some promotion on her new show with TLC.

PatK said... 40

I agree that the kids must be excited about being filmed again because of the trips/outings. It used to be interesting to watch and see how their little brains processed all these new experiences. Now, at their ages, it will pretty much just be ham it up/act cute for the camera...OR (as it was starting to become) misbehave more. All the while, Mommy is flirting with/cackling at the camera and sound men. It's so unbelievable that they're going to shove this down the public throat again.

Anonymous said... 41

Why isn't Tony with Kate? ~ Administrator said... 42

What do you guys think of a sidebar calendar that shows all the days Kate has and has not been with the kids?

Anonymous said... 43

I think that would be really creepy.

Paula said... 44

Sounds good. Also, may I ask you send a link to Nancy Grace? ~ Administrator said... 45

As long as Kate and the sheeple continue to insist Kate is with her kids, might as well document that SHE'S NOT.

pasunejeunefille said... 46
This comment has been removed by the author.
pasunejeunefille said... 47

I think it's a great idea. Jon's attorney can introduce it into evidence at the next hearing! LOL.

Anonymous said... 48

Yes, I think it at least is a tool to show the differences between spin & real reality. She has not seen her kids for a week now. Yet news outlets are reporting she had a dance floor installed to practice at home.

Also maybe a map of all the places beside Gosselin Pennsylvania that she travels too.


Nancy said... 49

theotheranonymous said...

On most levels I will enjoy it as well because I can't think of anyone who deserves it more :) I just hope those around her aren't damaged to much, can you imagine having to be anywhere near her when it happens? Think about it this is how she acts when she has "it all" what the heck will she act like when and if it is taken all away.... I watched 4.5 seasons(quit watiching after the wedding renewal) of her attitute when it was all going her way and that was kinda scary enough

Anonymous said... 50

I'm adding to all the "I wonders" I just read.

I wonder what happened to the PA Department of Labor's investigation of the Gosselin children working & the state Child Labor laws?


Angelina said... 51

It's simply not true that Jon was blindsided at the hearing and didn't know that Heller couldn't represent him there. He went to the hearing knowing that. Why is List going on national tv and repeating something that can be readily disproved by news stories at the time?

Kelly said... 52

Please, just spare us all from Gloria Alred. She's a bigger famewhore than Kate Gosselin. She and Al Sharpton would both show up for the opening of an envelope if they had a camera pointed at them, a checkbook under their nose and a cause that would further their own celebrity. Gloria Allred is about as credible as Baghdad Bob.

Paula said... 53

Angelina, I believe you are confusing the divorce case with TLC's suit against Jon. Heller was unable to represent Jon during his deposition with regards to TLC's lawsuit.

Kelly said... 54

Heller reminded me of the President of Iran. He looked like a little monkey, spoke like one of the Jersey shore cast and had as much camera presence as an unsuspecting character on Stories of the Highway Patrol. This guy was as much of a credible attorney as Jim Ignatowski was a model cab driver.

What was Jon thinking?

theotheranonymous said... 55

Administrator the calendar is an excellent idea. I don't know about putting a star on her days with the children though.
A sad face maybe? |:-(
I'm quite bitter towards Kate, does it show?

Just a reminder to all the sheeple out there who think this is made up. Here's a snippet of Kate Gosselin lying through her veneers on Good Morning America the day after DWTS cast was revealed:

George Stephanopoulos: How is that going to work? You have to balance out so much. I mean the kids on one coast, DWTS on another, to get this right I assume you have to practice 8 or 10 hours a day, how are you going to do it all?

Liar Kate Gosselin: Umm honestly, my days are so filled umm pre-dancing, it's going to be interesting but I'm determined to do it. Uh, there's going to be a dance floor in my basement so when they're at school umm obviously I'll be dancing nearby in the basement, when they're at home umm in bed at night, I'll be dancing in the basement.

GS: So you, so you're going to train at home. You're just going to go out to LA for the show.

LKG: I will. I'll commute back and forth.


It's not that I care that she's away from them so much because I think they're better off without her, it's that she lies to the camera and to her children without batting a wonky eye.

Kelly said... 56

Kates Wonky eye doesn't bat, doesn't move, doesn't focus and doesn't see anything but a mirror reflection of her shiney veneers. Kates wonky eye is like the heater buttons in a 1981 Yugo. It doesn't work. It's there for display purposes but it doesn't work.

Kates dance studio is a figure head display like the bull on the hood of a Mack Truck. Yeah, both the Bull and the dance studio are there but neither makes a truck or a dance star.

TLC put in a totally modern kitchen in Kates house while she was Sunbathing with the Scars in Bald Head Island last summer. It didn't make a cook out of her anymore than the dance floor made her an accomplished dancer.

The networks could install a helipad on her estate, a koi pond, an organic barn filled with organic cows and she would no more end up an accomplished pilot, fisherman or farmer.

Kate will forever be who she is and when all the kids are gone from the basic training baracks, She'll be alone, cameras gone, dancing on the scuffed up dance floor in a 20 year old gown like Barry Manilows song character, "Lola"

Hair extensions laying piecemeal in the bathroom sink, eyelash extensions hanging off the wonky eye like a door unhinged door and the only thing between her 30,000 dollar boobs is her belly button.

Nancy said... 57


You can always sum it up with such humour and wit and most importantly such truth :)

Lynn W. said... 58

Oh, Kelly, I could so picture every one of your descriptions. Thanks for a Friday evening giggle.

theotheranonymous said... 59

My god Kelly, your posts crack me up!
Kelly said,
Kate will forever be who she is and when all the kids are gone from the basic training baracks, She'll be alone, cameras gone, dancing on the scuffed up dance floor in a 20 year old gown like Barry Manilows song character, "Lola"

Hair extensions laying piecemeal in the bathroom sink, eyelash extensions hanging off the wonky eye like a door unhinged door and the only thing between her 30,000 dollar boobs is her belly button.

She does have all the makings of a Norma Desmond - with Steve as her Max. I can almost hear Kate saying "Alright, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."

Kelly said... 60

Kates Wonky eye doesn't bat, doesn't move, doesn't focus and doesn't see anything but a mirror reflection of her shiney veneers. Kates wonky eye is like the heater buttons in a 1981 Yugo. It doesn't work. It's there for display purposes but it doesn't work.

Kates dance studio is a figure head display like the bull on the hood of a Mack Truck. Yeah, both the Bull and the dance studio are there but neither makes a truck or a dance star.

TLC put in a totally modern kitchen in Kates house while she was Sunbathing with the Scars in Bald Head Island last summer. It didn't make a cook out of her anymore than the dance floor made her an accomplished dancer.

The networks could install a helipad on her estate, a koi pond, an organic barn filled with organic cows and she would no more end up an accomplished pilot, fisherman or farmer.

Kate will forever be who she is and when all the kids are gone from the basic training baracks, She'll be alone, cameras gone, dancing on the scuffed up dance floor in a 20 year old gown like Barry Manilows song character, "Lola"

Hair extensions laying piecemeal in the bathroom sink, eyelash extensions hanging off the wonky eye like a door unhinged door and the only thing between her 30,000 dollar boobs is her belly button.

Angelina said... 61

It's simply not true that Jon was blindsided at the hearing and didn't know that Heller couldn't represent him there. He went to the hearing knowing that. Why is List going on national tv and repeating something that can be readily disproved by news stories at the time?

Anonymous said... 62

Yes, I think it at least is a tool to show the differences between spin & real reality. She has not seen her kids for a week now. Yet news outlets are reporting she had a dance floor installed to practice at home.

Also maybe a map of all the places beside Gosselin Pennsylvania that she travels too.


pasunejeunefille said... 63

I think it's a great idea. Jon's attorney can introduce it into evidence at the next hearing! LOL.

Administrator said... 64

What do you guys think of a sidebar calendar that shows all the days Kate has and has not been with the kids?

Anonymous said... 65

Why isn't Tony with Kate?

Anonymous said... 66

Kate appears to be in New York for some promotion on her new show with TLC.

Fed up with this family! said... 67

I find it quite unreal how her fans seem to brush her lies and back peddling under the rug! They really represent the word "fanatical" to the highest degree, regurgitating her words and taking the J&K+8 show as a realistic interpretation of what kind of person she is. No wonder she repeats the same things over and over again ex: "I'm a single Mom", "I have 8 mouths to feed". If she says it over and over like a chant, her followers will listen and believe. She really has the con-artist gift! But, this is a free world and people are free to admire whom ever they wish. I just wish that they would admit to her lies. I wish I would hear them say "I guess she really didn't go on DWTS for her kids to provide for them because she must have known that she had two TLC shows in the works". I wish they would see that she went on the show for exposure and to drum up interest for her book and two new shows. She is definitely not in the poor-house, she is definitely not the victim. I am not a fan of Kate and I know that I can avoid watching her shows. I just wish that she would stick to TLC and stop contaminating other programs and magazines. She irks me to no end! I don't think I've ever been annoyed by another TV personality as much as I have by Kate Gosselin. I have no problems with people having the careers they want. I have no problems with working Moms. I just wish she would give up the charade and admit that she's doing this for herself. Stop trying to be known as the world's greatest Mom when she's obviously choosing careers that keep her away from her kids an awful lot. She looks like a hypocrite! Other contestants on DTWS are moms but they don't shove that fact down our throats. I'm sure they're working to support their families as well! Whew, sorry so long winded. I've never posted here but have been reading for a while and felt comfortable enough to finally post!

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