Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Steve handles the landscaping at the house

Photos have surfaced from last week of bodyguard Steve at the house. And it looks like he's once again involved in a lot more than just Kate's protection.

Photos show Steve taking charge of a landscaping project outside.

65 sediments (sic) from readers:

PA Mom ALSO said... 1

This will be the reason. There have been so many security concerns, and since he is the designated protector of the group, he is selecting the type of plants and positioning of them so that they will be best located to keep out the paps and obsessive fans.

NancyB said... 2

That is totally hysterical! Thanks for the giggle

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 3

Look at Steve's outfit. He is dressing just like Jon before Jon's Ed hardy days.

Anonymous said... 4

OMG...that is too funny! Almost as funny as the ugly shoes and botoxed face photos from earlier. Keep it coming admin!


Ellie said... 5

Is this the episode where Kate and Steve pretend to strategically plant greenery to obstruct the view of the 'p' people?

Judy said... 6

Have ya seen the jogging pics(ROL) of Kate and her BFF ?
I can't believe that is Jamie !

my9cats said... 7

First line of defense-marauding chickens
Second line of defense-a moat filled with dustilies.

CJ said... 8

I'm waiting for the chain link fence with razor wire. Don't want the moneymakers escaping. There will never be any plantings that will obstruct the view. Can't loose the free publicity. She's probably increasing the size of the asphalt play area for the kids. Gotta keep em on display.

LisaNH said... 9

She's got that crazy eyed hangover look on her face again, just like when she was playing the bar fly Target shopper yesterday.

LisaNH said... 10

Judy said...
Have ya seen the jogging pics(ROL) of Kate and her BFF ?
I can't believe that is Jamie !


I'm not sure that is Jamie. Maybe it's Kate's REAL body guard? The one Steve hired to guard her because he's too busy picking out landscape designs and maybe window treatments too.

my9cats said... 11

Lisa NH.....
Or deciding Kate's boob size.

CJ said... 12

I looked at the picture again. It's Katie Irene's yard and she's not even looking at the drawing, not talking to the landscapers, totally uninterested in what is going on. If it was my yard and my money, I'd be making comments/ asking questions, have my nose in the middle of everything. Oh, that's right, she's not paying for anything. It's for the show and TLC is footing the bill.

K8SUCKS said... 13

CJ -

K8 also didn't stick around during her kitchen remodel. IIRC, she was in NC strutting her stuff in her plethora of bikinis.

LisaNH said... 14

Sorry, when I made the comment about Kate's crazy eyed bar fly look, I meant the jogging pics, not in her and Steve's back yard.

Anonymous said... 15

CJ said...

I looked at the picture again. It's Katie Irene's yard and she's not even looking at the drawing, not talking to the landscapers, totally uninterested in what is going on. If it was my yard and my money, I'd be making comments/ asking questions, have my nose in the middle of everything. Oh, that's right, she's not paying for anything. It's for the show and TLC is footing the bill.

You can tell everything that's going on from one picture?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 16

Yawn. We were told we had no right to conclude Collin hates the cameras when we kept seeing him covering his face. We must not drawn conclusions from a picture! Turns out, he does hate the cameras.

We were right, again.

PA Mom ALSO said... 17

"You can tell everything that's going on from one picture?"

I can't. Not in this photo. In some cases, one picture isn't necessarily worth a thousand words. It looks to me like her attention is directed at the fellow with the papers and spray can. He's walking toward her. Could those papers be for her to look at?
Maybe she is uninterested. Maybe she's looking at one of the kids falling off a bike. Maybe it's so darn hot that she just wants to go inside. Maybe...

fidosmommy said... 18

My best guess is they're putting up privacy landscaping. I foresee rows of hedges with well placed gaps so the paid paparazzi can still get their shots. Then Kate can cry that she spent a bazillion dollars on privacy and STILL they show up and take pictures!

My wish is that they were there to pour asphalt
pathways out to the Crooked Houses for the kids to ride around on where no camera goes.

Kelly said... 19

Steve is a TLC plant and handler. Now do you believe me? I told you so. He has as much bodyguard skills as a pedophile at a boy scout jamboree.

Lauren said... 20

This is strange. I have a feeling that they are preparing us for the announcement that Kate and Steve are a couple.

First they let us know that Steve gave Kate advice on her breast augmentation. I don't know HOW that can be spinnned into a security issue.

And now they are "letting" us see that Steve is also involved in strategic landscaping.

The landscaping photos were taken by a TLC hired photog. No doubt about that - and Kate hates the paparazzi, right. Otherwise these photos would have been on the internet within a couple of days of having been taken.

Let's face it, Kate is Steve's "work wife." They act as though they are a married couple, without the sex, at work. I've seen it before, where a secretary works for an attorney and they get so close that they act like a married couple. The Today show even had a segment on it a few years back.

I just have a feeling that they are preparing the audience for a big reveal.

Anonymous said... 21

Administrator said...We were told we had no right to conclude Collin hates the cameras when we kept seeing him covering his face. We must not drawn conclusions from a picture! Turns out, he does hate the cameras.

Can't draw conclusions from that one picture. And there were a series of pictures of Collin hiding his face.

The saying is "A picture is worth a thousand words" not every picture is worth a thousand words.

Ellie said... 22

I think Steve's name is really Jack - Jack of all trades and master of none.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 23

Anonymous, we're not just judging from this picture. We're also judging from a series of pictures of Steve involved in a bunch of activities that have nothing to do with security.

Even when we had a series of pictures of Collin the Kate supporters still refused to believe he was being traumatized. When they finally did, they claim that someone when Man A is holding a camera it is not the same as Man B holding a camera. How's that explanation for ya!

Kelly, you mean your police uniform wasn't cargo pants and a polo? At least Steve is wearing sneakers in case he needs to chase down an "overzealous" fan.

Hawks Fan said... 24

Suddenly throwing Steve big time into the mix is just for publicity. That's sure to keep everyone talking and to throw off suspicions about Jamie. It's ok if she flits around with a married man but heaven forbid she has a "girlfriend." (which I totally believe is the case.)

Moon and Mango said... 25

"He has as much bodyguard skills as a pedophile at a boy scout jamboree."

Or about as effective a bodyguard as Herbert (Family Guy) would be in protecting Chris Griffin!

Carolina Gal said... 26

Did anyone see this in the link above? Interesting...


mommyinca said... 27

Maybe they're installing a landing strip for Kate's broom?

AuntieAnn said... 28

I think TLC saw that Kate Gosselin was really quite stupid when she signed her family over to them. They put Steve in there to supervise her every move because if she was left to her own devices she would have given herself away long ago and the show (J&K+8) would have ended. I don't think he's there so much to guard her as he is to guide her. She's not business minded at all and certainly not savvy about handling herself in public. If he wasn't with her constantly god knows what she'd say so he's there to shut her up, too. That probably contributed to the breakdown of the marriage even if they weren't sleeping together.

Totally off topic, but what the hell is going on with her overly wonky eyes these last two days. She looks like a siamese cat.

Markiesnana said... 29

They're discussing the plans for a stage to be set up a little bit closer to the road.
That's where Kate will have the kids try to sing, dance and be on display.
The driveway was OK for awhile; but she's needing more exposure.

Kelly said... 30

That lavender shirt Steve is wearing must have been one of Kate's hand me downs before she started shopping at Ho's R Us.

Judy said... 31

The only thing that Kate is interested in is , what kind of boxed wine she will have for her nightly routine of checking the internet for her pictures and to read all the blogs about herself.
She could care less about the new scrubs that TLC is putting in for her.

Lucy said... 32

OMG! Has Steve being working with too much glue in a confined space for too long? When is he going to recapture his dignity, represent his firm in a professional manner and stop helping Khate with everything excluding matching her "unnerwares" and bra every day (or maybe he does that too?)
For a so called bodyguard, this is all so creepy ... yuckers!

fidosmommy said... 33

Carolina Gal said...
Did anyone see this in the link above? Interesting...



Do you suppose Dr. Sylvia had permission from Jon and Ellen to talk about them publicly?

Kaitlyn said... 34

I think TLC saw that Kate Gosselin was really quite stupid when she signed her family over to them. They put Steve in there to supervise her every move because if she was left to her own devices she would have given herself away long ago and the show (J&K+8) would have ended. I don't think he's there so much to guard her as he is to guide her. She's not business minded at all and certainly not savvy about handling herself in public. If he wasn't with her constantly god knows what she'd say so he's there to shut her up, too. That probably contributed to the breakdown of the marriage even if they weren't sleeping together.

Auntie Ann,

This is my opinion also on why Steve is there.

Mimi to 3 said... 35

Funny how Steve the bodyguard wasn't there while she was jogging on the streets where any crazy could get to her. Steve may call himself a bodyguard and try to act like one, but he is all over Kate. And also, he is never there with the kids. Aren't they the ones who should be protected? Kate Gosselin?? Who cares.

carolina peach said... 36

Wonder how Steve's wife feels seeing this since she's at home doing all the yard work at THEIR home? Feel sorry for his family. This is really looking out of control and has gone way to far.
By the way it's gonna be 99 and with high humidity today. Like tryng to walk thru water. May get out my halter top, mini skirt and hooker shoes to go the the Piggly Wiggly.

The Spock Look said... 37

"Totally off topic, but what the hell is going on with her overly wonky eyes these last two days. She looks like a siamese cat."

You're kind of out of the loop there, Auntie Ann. It's the buzz all over the boards...


PA Mom ALSO said... 38


So it wasn't just another long trip for the purpose of "let's go away again" just for the sake of going away. This one had a purpose, and a good one. Good for Jon, and for the kids.

fidosmommy said... 39

Besides the African American gentleman who seems to work next to Steve sometimes (on the boat at Discovery Cove, in North Carolina last year), is there another person guarding Kate?
Why is it always Steve? It really does seem odd.

I wonder if he's just her personal assistant who takes care of her appointments, answers e-mails, that sort of thing. You know, makes sure she gets places on time, remembers peoples' names, etc. We know she can't really handle anything on her own. Everyone who's anyone has one of these people, right?

Anonymous said... 40

Lauren said...
This is strange. I have a feeling that they are preparing us for the announcement that Kate and Steve are a couple.

Jamie & Kate are the"couple"
There is a tell & it's in all our faces.

PA Mom ALSO said... 41

"There is a tell & it's in all our faces."


SG said... 42

That pic is just odd. Unless Steve is discussing putting up hedges or trees for privacy it is just odd that he would be involved with any landscaping projects.

Judy said... 43

PA Mom ALSO said...
"There is a tell & it's in all our faces."

Double Huh?

Lauren said... 44

Anonymous said...

Lauren said...
This is strange. I have a feeling that they are preparing us for the announcement that Kate and Steve are a couple.

Jamie & Kate are the"couple"
There is a tell & it's in all our faces.


Lordy Bee...

NancyB said... 45

Well, Admin will solve the mystery for all of us because this will be featured in the next tv special. Why TLC thinks that any of it is interesting is another question, entirely!

Carolina Gal said... 46

I'm sure Steve is there to take care of whatever the landscaping 'situation' is...lord knows, Kate hasn't a clue as to what is going on, doubt she can understand the drawings they're looking at. She is not very savvy when it comes to these types of things. She seems to have not gleaned or learned anything of importance, in her 35 years.

Judy said... 47

Well...more of Kate today on Celebrity Gossip.
Looks like she's getting some new potted plants for the pool, maybe.
Oh my, she decided to stay home today and lay around her pool. At least she put a cover-up on !
Life is so hard for Kate Gosselin.

IATK said... 48

If it's true that Steve advised Kate on her breast enhancements, I don't think it's a reach that he would also advise her on enhancing the grounds around the house.

Judy said... 49

Carolina Gal said...
She seems to have not gleaned or learned anything of importance, in her 35 years.
Sure she has. She's learned how to be what every mother doesn't want her child to become.
A liar, cheater,loser, phony and most of all a terrible parent..

PatK said... 50

I thought she was "Can Do Kate"? Therefore, why does she need Stevie-boy to handle decisions?

I agree he's nothing more than a Personal Assistant and escort...if he's not banging her, that is. ;)

I sure hope Gina has someone in the wings for herself.

PaMa said... 51

Yikes ...best picture yet of the Flintstone Toe:


Brig said... 52
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heide said... 53

Anonymous - Is the tell the matching necklaces?

Heide said... 54

Anonymous - another question - Does (did) Jon know that Kate is gay? (If she is gay)

Kelly said... 55

I think the only thing Jon would admit to is who's johnson is bigger. His or Kates.

Anonymous said... 56

PaMa said...

Yikes ...best picture yet of the Flintstone Toe:


Thanks for showing yet again how catty and superficial you and your ilk are.

Who gives a crap about the woman's toe?

Kelly said... 57

I don't like her big toe. I don't like it no no no. I don't like it in the air, I dont like it in my hair. I don't want it in my chair and I won't take it to the fair. It's a bad toe. BAD TOE. BAd bad bad toe.

Yabba Dabba Doooooooo said... 58

I don't like it in my shoe, I don't like it in my stew, I don't like it at my party, I don't like in wearing Ed Hardy, I don't like it on my rug, I don't like it kicking my pug, I don't like it at my pool, I don't like it Kate YOU FOOL.

Kelly said... 59

That is just too funny. I'm laughing my ass off and have absolutely no response. Ed Hardy...... way too funny.

Yabba Dabba Doooooooo said... 60

I don't like it in my shoe, I don't like it in my stew, I don't like it at my party, I don't like in wearing Ed Hardy, I don't like it on my rug, I don't like it kicking my pug, I don't like it at my pool, I don't like it Kate YOU FOOL.

Anonymous said... 61

PaMa said...

Yikes ...best picture yet of the Flintstone Toe:


Thanks for showing yet again how catty and superficial you and your ilk are.

Who gives a crap about the woman's toe?

PaMa said... 62

Yikes ...best picture yet of the Flintstone Toe:


Judy said... 63

Well...more of Kate today on Celebrity Gossip.
Looks like she's getting some new potted plants for the pool, maybe.
Oh my, she decided to stay home today and lay around her pool. At least she put a cover-up on !
Life is so hard for Kate Gosselin.

NancyB said... 64

Well, Admin will solve the mystery for all of us because this will be featured in the next tv special. Why TLC thinks that any of it is interesting is another question, entirely!

The Spock Look said... 65

"Totally off topic, but what the hell is going on with her overly wonky eyes these last two days. She looks like a siamese cat."

You're kind of out of the loop there, Auntie Ann. It's the buzz all over the boards...
